Diseases of Turtles and Tortoises Sarah Langan
Fibropapilloma Black, white, or pink cauliflower-like tumors External tumors can be surgically removed No treatment for internal tumors
Grey-patch Disease Occurs in young green sea turtles Small circular skin lesions grow into grey patches Occurs in young green sea turtles in warm, crowded, stressful environments Caused by herpes virus
Upper Respiratory Tract Disease Mild to severe nasal discharge, puffy eyelids and recessed eyes, dull skin and scutes Transmitted through contact with other infected tortoises Cause of extreme population decline in wild US desert tortoises
Shell Rot Bone eroding bacterial or fungal infection Area on plastron with pitted or rotted appearance Inflamed area of tissue underneath shell May have blood underneath shell
Salmonella Carriers Symptoms: diarrhea, fever, and abdominal cramps occur 12-72 hours after infection Recovery time: 4-7 days without treatment 248 cases from 34 states related to turtles