Budget, Personnel, Legal, ethical and constraints Budget & Personnel The camera equipment was already purchased before the production of this project however a remote control to take photos without disturbing the camera was purchased and cost £12. Sketchbook - £ black-landscape-sketchbook-a3/ Materials forming shapes for example sequins, cotton poms, paper, coloured felt, stars, glitter, beads, coloured pipe cleaner: £16 Camera man hire Cameraman isn’t needed becauseCameraman isn’t needed because I’m in charge of directing the production and the cameras with the remote control.ande remote control. Lighting can be hired from this website but I have my own indoor floodlight that I can use for a constant image.
2 Personnel I will be in charge of the majority of the entire production: Producer and director: Patrick Rule Camera Operator: Patrick Rule Lighting management: Patrick Rule Props sourcing: Patrick Rule Location management: Patrick Rule Editor: Patrick Rule
3 Receipt for material from craft shop
Legal, ethical and constraints From a copyright point of view the music can be used without royalty fees in this circumstance because it is for educational purposes and the YouTube terms and conditions takes into consideration the ‘fair use’ act. “2. PREPARATION OF EDUCATIONAL MULTIMEDIA PROJECTS USING PORTIONS OF COPYRIGHTED WORKS These uses are subject to the Portion Limitations listed in Section 4. They should include proper attribution and citation as defined in Sections By students: Students may incorporate portions of lawfully acquired copyrighted works when producing their own educational multimedia projects for a specific course. 3. PERMITTED USES OF EDUCATIONAL MULTIMEDIA PROGRAMS CREATED UNDER THESE GUIDELINES Uses of educational multimedia projects created under these guidelines are subject to the Time, Portion, Copying and Distribution Limitations listed in Section Student Use: Students may perform and display their own educational multimedia projects created under Section 2 of these guidelines for educational uses in the course for which they were created and may use them in their own portfolios as examples of their academic work for later personal uses such as job and graduate school interviews” There wont be any illegal images in the music which I can monitor because I’m the animator. There aren’t any drug references to worry about in the lyrics either. Although the song may be hinting at the eclipse being a metaphor for life ending, it isn’t vulgar or obvious so it shouldn’t offend anyone. No animals will be used in the making of the music video. If I decide to edit in live footage (film footage) it most likely wont belong to me so when sourcing it I need to make sure that it isn’t owned by any production company with royalty ownership and that it wont offend anyone. The easiest option to avoid ethical issues and constraints is to animate everything and not use live images. Ofcom would have no issue with the proposed music even if it was televised. As the video is most likely being uploaded to YouTube, the internet age restrictions will not apply because there is no harmful content that would be considered needed to be restricted. If there was frequent swearing and violent images then the content would simply be age restricted so anyone without an account over the age of 18 wouldn’t be allowed to view it.
5 Health and Safety I am planning to shoot in a house environment because I don’t need green screens in a studio. This means there is a first Aid kit on sight, close doctors and all electric equipment is safety tested. I will be using a high powered flood light which uses a lot of electricity so I will make sure I don’t leave it running for longer than necessary to let it cool down. Also I will make sure to inform anyone on sight not to look directly at the bulbs to avoid blinding and not to touch the bulb because it will be incredibly hot. The floodlight comes on it’s own secure stand which will be taped to the floor to avoid it knocking down.