Presentation Skills for Analysts LT Craig Maxey
Context Analytical presentations often rely heavily on the display of data as opposed to a crafting of the underlying story Purpose Present a synopsis of the research in “Made To Stick” Outcome Challenge analysts to tell a story in order to improve the “stickiness” of their ideas FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 2
"The principle vehicle of leadership is the story: The leader affects individual behavior, thought, and feelings through the stories that he and she tells.” – “Changing Minds” by Howard Gardner Harvard Psychologist
Scarier? 119 Attacks Worldwide in fatalities 150+ Deer-Vehicle Collision in Fairfax County each year 1.5 Million Deer-Vehicle Collisions World Wide each year Several Hundred Fatalities
Elements of Sticky Ideas Simple Unexpected Concrete Credible Emotional Story
Simple Find the Core Commanders Intent is a good example of the core “Take the hill” Doesn’t tell you how, simply tells you the objective “World Class Care…Anytime, Anywhere” How does your presentation support this idea? If you can’t communicate the “how” succinctly, go back and rebuild
Unexpected Enclave Mini-van commercial What are the unexpected implications of your message? Write this lead story: Entire school faculty will travel to the state capitol on Tuesday for a meeting with the Governor, name, to discuss state budget.
Concrete When it can be described or detected by human senses Movie Popcorn contains 20g Fat or Move Popcorn contains more fat than a bacon-and-eggs breakfast, a Big Mac and fries for lunch, and a steak dinner with all the trimmings – combined. 10,000 Active Duty Days or Manning the Kearsarge for a 3 Month
Credible Details Urban legends Statistics Should illustrate relationships Only 37% of employees had a clear idea of their mission or If a soccer team had this make up only 4 out of the 11 would know where the goal is… The Sinatra Test Taken from the song “New York, New York” A test case that proves your point Testable Credentials Reagan in 1980 “Are you better off than you were four years ago?” “Where’s the beef?”
Emotional Make people care Need a burning platform Peter Pronovost has Josie King
Story The Challenge Plot Classic underdog, rags to riches E.g. Subway’s Jared losing 245 pounds, Susan Boyle The Connection Plot Story about people develop a relationship that bridges a gap Mean Joe Greene commercial of the 1970’s where he makes friends with a scawny young kid Remember the Titans The Creativity Plot Mental Breakthrough Solving a long-standing puzzle Attacking a problem in an innovative way