The digital multimeter (DMM) precision: good speed: slow points: single recording: pen & pencil
The chart recorder Figure from Wheeler and Gangi, Introduction to Engineering Experimentation time voltage precision: poor speed: slow points: multiple recording: hard copy
The oscilloscope time voltage precision: poor * speed: fast points: multiple recording: film * * A digital oscilloscope can overcome these limitations
How an oscilloscope works Figure from Wheeler and Gangi, Introduction to Engineering Experimentation
Precision error reading a ‘scope Full scale = 8 “boxes” !
Computer-based data acquisition precision: good speed: fast points: multiple recording: file
Multi-channel data acquisition system Figure from Wheeler and Gangi, Introduction to Engineering Experimentation
Computer-based DAQ: signal path
Multiplexer (a.k.a. MUX) Figure from Wheeler and Gangi, Introduction to Engineering Experimentation Considerations: crosstalk transfer accuracy