Jeff Puccini English Language Fellow, El Salvador 2012
1.Fluency (Was: Output/Pronunciation) 2.Task achievement (Using functions, coherence, organization) 3.Grammar 4.Vocabulary
Descriptors: grammar, fluency, and task completion PWBAT revise band descriptors (more clear/efficient for Ts, and more useful for Ss)
Give Ss credit for “making attempts” Give Ss info what to practice Allow Ss freedom to use language
Listen to Leo. Beginning, Intermediate, or Advanced? (What grade?) Describe Important Person He does well & work on?
Basic, 8 WasProposed There is a good command of the simple present tense, present continuous, and frequency adverbs. Most sentences follow the expected word order of English. There are no more than 3 grammar mistakes, but these do not interfere with the message. Almost all sentences have accurate basic grammar. Attempts with Int & Adv grammar have some errors.
Categorize discrete grammar points: Give name and examples NameExamples Basic description There is a desk. It has four legs.
Categorize discrete grammar points: Give name and examples NameExamples Speculation, obligation, and advice We might have a test tomorrow. She doesn’t have to wear a uniform to school. You should drink more water.
Using Leo as a reference (or your own Ss), “wash” band descriptors across levels.
What does it include (i.e. what’s the definition)?
Listen to Alex. Beginning, Intermediate, or Advanced? (What grade?) Describe a Place She does well & work on?
Intermediate, 8 WasProposed Can connect sentences and phrases most of the time, giving some opinions and points of view. Most of the time answers are appropriate, although there is need for at least one repetition. Ideas have a coherent sequence. Pauses and hesitation may interfere with the message. 80 WPM or more. A few, short pauses. Pronunciation does not interfere with the message Makes limited attempts with target pronunciation (TP)
Using Alex as a reference, “wash” band descriptors across levels.
What does it include (i.e. what’s the definition)?
Lilian (IELTS), Beginning, Intermediate, or Advanced? (What grade?) “Describe a well-known person you admire.” She does well and work on?
Advanced, 8 Was (non-existent)Proposed Can express ideas and thoughts with precision, providing relevant explanations and comments convincingly. Can initiate, maintain and end discourse appropriately with effective turntaking Uses function/s to effectively complete the task. (Makes attempts to use a variety?) Uses cohesive devices to link ideas and show relationships Organization assists understanding.
1.Fluency (Was: Output/Pronunciation) 2.Task achievement (Using functions, coherence, organization) 3.Grammar 4.Vocabulary