LEICESTER FEDERATION Leicesters Children and Young Peoples Plan Version 1:
Project Management C&YPP Overview Group (CYPPOG) SafeHealthAchieve Contribute EconomicResources Participation Group SD SM Federation Lead Service Director and policy support Lead Agency Top local Priorities National Aims Related Plans AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA PPPPPPPPPPPPPPP LCC SCHD HEALTH LCC E&LL LCC / E&LL Connexions/LSC LCC LCSB CAMHS LDP Regional Skills Partnership Plan Primary and Secondary National Strategy Action Plan Crime & Disorder DAAT YOS Best Value? Inspections Gershon Workforce Strategy ROLE: Project Management Editing Cross-cutting issues
Contents of the CYPP Executive Summary Purpose of the CYPP Vision Priorities Leadership Arrangements Planned Action to Improve Outcomes Improving Services for Children and Young People Performance Management Resource Deployment Appendices (summary of targets; Local Area Agreement; super output areas with highest levels of deprivation; interagency involvement in C&YP plan)
Vision for Leicesters Children and Young People A brighter future for Leicesters children and young people Improved life chances for children and young people Children and young people supported to achieve their potential and thus make a positive contribution as effective citizens Good outcomes for all (as in the Childrens Act, 2004) –Physically and emotionally healthy –Safeguarded from harm, neglect and abuse –Enabled to enjoy life and achieve their best –Encouraged to make a positive contribution –Supported to achieve economic stability
The Agreed 14 Local Priorities Reduce health inequalities Promote emotional resilience and positive mental health Reduce Teenage Pregnancy Safeguard children from abuse, neglect, the impact of crime, domestic violence, substance misuse and bullying (including LAC and LDD) Reduce childhood accidents in and out of the home Remove barriers to achievement by promoting attendance, addressing behaviour in school, reducing truancy and exclusion, and addressing the negative impact of turbulence through multi-agency support for schools and colleges Ensure more children and young people enjoy learning
The Agreed 14 Local Priorities (contd) Improve attainment and achievement at Key Stages 2 and 4 Increase the educational achievement of Looked After Children Create clear ways for the voices of children and young people to be acted upon across all provision Improve community cohesion (including across generations) Prevent and reduce anti-social behaviour, offending, re- offending and racial harassment by children and young people Decrease numbers of young people not in education, employment or training (NEET), especially those who are socially excluded Reduce long term unemployment and numbers of children growing up in workless households
Planned Action to Improve Outcomes Being Healthy Staying Safe Enjoying and Achieving Making a Positive Contribution Achieving Economic well-being Looked After Children Children & Young People with Learning Difficulties / Disabilities Children & Young People from Black and Minority Ethnic Groups
Improving Services for Children & Young People a)Service Integration Key Actions b)A Local Children & Young Peoples Workforce Strategy c)Ensuring Equality d)Building Participation – Engagement & Consultation with Children & Young People, Service users, Stakeholders & the Wider Community. e)Support for Parents, Carers & Families
Improving outcomes; improving services - the structure of these sections within the plan Strategic Analysis Priorities for achieving Outcomes Targets Strategic Actions Planned Links to other plans
Critical Dates for Partners Consultation period 5 th December 05 – 30 th Jan 06 (6 weeks excluding Christmas and New Year) Consultation events – within agencies and interagency e.g. LFCS Service Integration Forum 13 th Dec 05; TALK event 28 th Jan 06; LCC Scrutiny Committees - Education & Lifelong Learning;Social Care & Health – both January 2006 Final version available for formal sign off processes within the City Council and within partner organisations 10 th February 06 LFCS Management Board17 th February 2006 LCC Cabinet – final approval 13 th March 06
Leadership Arrangements OutcomesDrafting LeadLead AgencyLead Officers Outcome 1 Deb Watson,Health Outcome 2 Andrew Bunyan, LCC Outcome 3 Richard Whitehouse,LCC Outcome 4 Paul Vaughan, LCC Outcome 5 Rosemary Beard,Connexions Di Bentley, LSC LAC Maggie McGrath, LCC LDD Chris Bush, LCC BME C & YP Rabia Raza, LCC New, collaborative leadership arrangements will be needed for delivery of the plan
The local workforce strategy Targets Integrated workforce plan Engagement of all partners Strategic Action Establish a workforce strategic group Complete a childrens workforce development strategy Develop & deliver multi-agency recruitment, retention & training plans Can we all commit to & resource this essential partnership activity?
Performance Management The plan needs to feature Explicit links to the strategic plans and agreed targets of partners Reference to the performance management arrangements of partners Will partners provide specific advice on these areas?
A Joint Commissioning Strategy The process through which we form and agree a joint commissioning strategy needs consideration and inclusion in the plan An initial task for the shadow Joint Commissioning Board ? - draft a process for consideration and agreement by the LFCS management board – 17 th February 06