Spectrum Management 2002 Marc Goldburg CTO, Internet Products Group ArrayComm, Inc. Adaptive Antennas (or “doing more with less”)
2 Cellular Technology Coverage area divided into cells Each with infrastructure and users Typical of two-way wireless “cellular” (1G, 2G, 3G, …) MMDS Wireless LANs LMDS Switching/ Routing cell sector Switching/ Routing Data Networks Telephony Networks Backhaul Network base station
3 Spectrum Management Challenges Inter-System management co-channel at service boundaries adjacent channel within coverage area Intra-system management balancing service quality and capacity self-interference reduces capacity Preview of adaptive antennas reduce adjacent band emissions reduce sensitivity to in-band emissions mitigate in-band interference, increasing capacity provide gain, increasing range and quality
4 Outline Spectral efficiency Adaptive antenna fundamentals Coexistence
5 Spectral Efficiency Defined Information delivered per unit of spectrum Measured in bits/second/Hertz/cell, includes effects of multiple access method modulation methods channel organization resource reuse (code, timeslot, carrier, …) “Per-Cell” is critical primary spectral efficiency limitation generally self-interference isolated base station results not representative of real-world Spectral Efficiency Interference Management
6 Why Is Spectral Efficiency Important? For given service and grade of service, determines required amount of spectrum (CapEx) required number of base stations (CapEx, OpEx) required number of sites and associated site maintenance (OpEx) and, ultimately, consumer pricing and affordability Quick calculation (capacity limited system) Affects radiated power per km 2, too number of cells/km 2 = offered load (bits/s/km 2 ) available spectrum (Hz) x spectral efficiency (bits/s/Hz/cell)
7 Designing For Spectral Efficiency Spectral/Temporal tools multiple access method and data compression optimize efficiency based on traffic characteristics modulation, channel coding, equalization optimize efficiency based on link quality Spatial tools, interference management cellularization mitigate co-channel interference by separating co-channel users sectorization mitigate co-channel interference through static directivity power control use minimum power necessary for successful communications
8 Self-Interference and Capacity cells sectors serving sector user interference sectorized cells sectors serving sector user interference adaptive antennas
9 Outline Spectral efficiency Adaptive antenna fundamentals Coexistence issues
10 Adaptive Antennas Defined Systems comprising multiple antenna elements (antenna arrays) coherent processing processing strategies that adapt to environment Providing gain and interference mitigation improved signal quality and spectral efficiency improved coexistence behavior
11 Adaptive Antenna Concept +1 2bs 2 (t) +1 2as 1 (t) as 1 (t)+bs 2 (t) as 1 (t)-bs 2 (t) User 2, s 2 (t)e j t Users’ signals arrive with different relative phases and amplitudes Processing provides gain and interference mitigation User 1, s 1 (t)e j t as 1 (t)
12 In-Band Uplink Gain Signal s, M antennas, M receivers with i.i.d. noises n i Adaptive antennas improve uplink SNR by factor of M M=10, 10x SNR improvement, examples double data rate if single antenna SNR is 10 dB reduce required subscriber transmit power by 10 dB increase range by 93% with R 3.5 loss s sreceived signal noisen 1 + … + n M = therefore, Uplink SNR (Ms) 2 M2M2 s2s2 22 M== = M x single antenna SNR
13 Similar to uplink calculation, except dominant noise is due to (single) receiver at user terminal With same total radiated power P in both cases Adaptive antennas improve downlink EIRP by factor of M M=10, 10 dB gain examples 10 elements with 1 W PA’s, same EIRP as single element with 100 W PA 90% reduction in total radiated power for same EIRP In-Band Downlink Gain EIRP (Adaptive Antenna) EIRP (Single Antenna) = ( P/M s + … + P/M s) 2 ( Ps) 2 = M
14 Out-of-band gain different from in-band gain non-linearities that create out-of-bands destroy coherency With same total in-band radiated power P in both cases Ratio of in-band:out-of-band gains approximately M very different from conventional systems M=10, 10 dB gain examples out-of-band gain up to 90% less than in-band gain Out-of-Band Downlink Gain In-band gain (Adaptive Antenna) Out-of-band gain (Adaptive Antenna) M( P/M s) 2 = M (M P/M s) 2
15 In-Band Interference Mitigation Directive gain results in passive interference mitigation Active interference mitigation additive (in dB) to gain Gain and interference mitigation statistical quantities Theoretical gain closely approached (within 1 dB) in practice Theoretical interference mitigation, , harder to achieve limited by calibration, environment, scenario active mitigation in excess of 20 dB can be reliably achieved
16 Processing Gain Operational Significance Selective Uplink GainIncreased Range & Coverage Increased Data Rates Reduced System – Wide Uplink Noise Improved Uplink Multipath Immunity Improved Signal Quality Maintained Quality with Tightened Reuse Increased Range & Coverage Increased Data Rates Reduced System–Wide Downlink Interference Improved Co–existence Behavior Reduced Downlink Multipath Maintained Quality with Tightened Reuse Uplink Interference Mitigation Selective Downlink Gain Downlink Interference Mitigation In-Band Benefits Actual level of benefits depends on implementation details
17 Antenna Arrays Wide variety of geometries and element types arrangements of off-the-shelf single elements custom arrays Array size vertical extent determined by element gain/pattern as usual horizontal extent, typically 3-5 lambda 2 GHz, eight 10 dBi element array is 0.5 x 0.75 m small! conformal arrays for aesthetics
18 Outline Spectral efficiency Adaptive antenna fundamentals Coexistence issues
19 Co-Channel Coexistence Adaptive antennas (AA’s) reduce in-band emissions factor of M less total radiated power for same EIRP peak interference remains the same average interference significantly improved RF safety/exposure benefits AA’s less sensitive to in-band interference active interference mitigation can “null” interferers reduced planning (frequency, separation) requirements
20 Adjacent Channel Coexistence AA out-of-bands have reduced directionality generating non-linearities destroy element-to-element coherence lack of coherence reduces directionality out-of-band gain roughly a factor of M less than in-band gain peak out-of-band gain closer to average out-of-band gain AA’s less sensitive to out-of-band interference active interference mitigation can “null” interferers reduced planning (frequency, separation) requirements
21 Summary Adaptive antennas lead to increased spectral efficiency, better use of spectrum affordable, diverse services improved coexistence behavior Adaptive antennas are becoming pervasive more than 100,000 deployments worldwide as a backwards compatible upgrade to existing networks as a fundamental element of new broadband networks