Presenter: Saul Pila GDE: Gauteng North District
Run the tool first to Open it. Click on the highlighted “Home” and “Rename” and write the name of your subject/LA Exe.Learning
GAIN THE ATTENTION Gain AttentionGain Attention : The ideal is to grab the learners' attention so that they will watch and listen, while you present the learning point. eg: Storytelling, Demonstrations, Real world example etc Is this catchy?
Instructional Objectives. 1.Click on your subject/LA and “Add Page” and type “Objectives” 2.Uder iDevices click on “Objectives” This window will appear... Instructional ObjectiveInstructional Objective : Describe the goal of a lesson, state what the learners will be able to accomplish and how they will be able to use the knowledge
Instructional Objectives Put your Instructional Objectives here. e.g “By the end of this lesson, learners will be able to:
Prior-Knowledge Pre-requisitePre-requisite : Remind the learners of prior knowledge relevant to the current lesson, provide the learners with a framework that helps learning and remembering. This can be done in different ways. In our case we’ll use “Multi(ple) Choice” under iDevices.
Prior-Knowledge. Type your question here. A “Hint” is optional NB Only one option should be written here and should be differentiated by an alphabet e.g a. Dollar Put your Feedback here. If done with Option “A”, then click here to Add another option e.g B.....
Prior-Knowledge After you have added 3-4 Options, Click here to “Add another question”.
Presentation of the topic Presentation of the topic : Lecture notes, Animations, Video, Web References etc will be provided. Other useful links for the topicLecture notesAnimationsVideoWeb References Click on “Free Text” to open this window.
Guidelines Teachers: How to teach Learners: How to learn (Free Text)
Problem Set Practice questions / problems to be solved e.g Quiz etc. (Free Text)
Feedback from learners. Learners response through discussions. (Free Text)
Quiz / Test Self-Assessment.
Application of theory Inform the learners about similar problem situations, provide additional practice. Stack - Implementation, Queue – ImplementationStack - Implementation Queue – Implementation
Completion File Export (Own Choice) Website New Package folder Look for “index” Rename that to Topic.html Choose a location to save that.
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