Dr. Mohorjy, Prof. Reda, Dr. Ahmed EC بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Dr. Mohorjy, Prof. Reda, Dr. Ahmed EC
Dr. Mohorjy, Prof. Reda, Dr. Ahmed EC CRITERIA FOR ACCREDITING ENGINEERING PROGRAMS CAPSTONE DESIGN REQUIREMENTS ABET Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology Dr. Abdullah Mohorjy Prof. Reda Abdulaal Dr. Yasser Hegazy Dr. Ahmed Khan By 1426H – H – 2005
Dr. Mohorjy, Prof. Reda, Dr. Ahmed EC PURPOSE “The Criteria are intended to assure QUALITY and to foster the systematic pursuit of IMPROVEMENT in the quality of ENGINEERING EDUCATION that satisfies the needs of CONSTITUENCIES in a dynamic and competitive environment.” “It is the responsibility of the institution seeking accreditation of an engineering program to DEMONSTRATE clearly that the program meets the criteria”.
Dr. Mohorjy, Prof. Reda, Dr. Ahmed EC UPDATE as of December 1, 2004 The Latest Criteria Effective for Evaluations During the Accreditation Cycle Incorporates all Changes approved by the ABET Board of Directors as of November, Even … Proposed Changes/Revisions to EAC General Criteria ( Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs) have been included in the Latest Criteria!!!
Dr. Mohorjy, Prof. Reda, Dr. Ahmed EC Accreditation Objectives Serve the public, industry, and the profession by stimulating the development of improved engineering education. Encourage curricular improvements in existing programs Assist in the development of educational models for the establishment of new programs Identify programs that meet the ABET criteria for accreditation
Dr. Mohorjy, Prof. Reda, Dr. Ahmed EC What is new in EC 2000…. ? + Program Criteria 7. Institutional Support and Financial Resources 7. Institutional Commitment 6. Facilities 6. Institutional Facilities 5. Faculty 5. Administration 4. Professional Component 4. Student Body 3. Program Outcomes and Assessment 3. Curricular Content 2. Program Educational Objectives 2. Curricular Objective 1. Students 1. Faculty EC 2000 Criteria Conventional Criteria
Dr. Mohorjy, Prof. Reda, Dr. Ahmed EC Engineering Criteria 2000 EC 2000 Philosophy ~ Institution Philosophy EC 2000 Philosophy ~ Institution Philosophy EC 2000 is a Continuous Improvement Approach EC 2000 is a Continuous Improvement Approach EC 2000 is a Two Loop process EC 2000 is a Two Loop process Criteria of EC 2000 Criteria of EC 2000
Dr. Mohorjy, Prof. Reda, Dr. Ahmed EC EC 2000 Philosophy ~ Institution Philosophy Programs demonstrates how criteria and educational objectives are being met Student, Faculty, Facilities, Institutional Support and Financial Resource issues linked to Program Objectives Emphasize on outcomes – preparations for professional practice. Emphasize knowledge required for entry to the engineering profession Institutions and programs define mission and objectives to meet needs of constituencies Develop a process of Continuous Improvement with input from constituencies Institution EC 2000
Dr. Mohorjy, Prof. Reda, Dr. Ahmed EC EC 2000 as Continuous Improvement Approach Continuous Quality Improvement A systematic pursuit of excellence and satisfaction of the needs of constituencies, in a dynamic and competitive environment
Dr. Mohorjy, Prof. Reda, Dr. Ahmed EC EC 2000 as Continuous Improvement Approach A Guide for Continuous Improvement Who are our constituencies? Who are our constituencies? What are the services we produce? Are our objectives understood by our constituencies? What are the services we produce? Are our objectives understood by our constituencies? What services, facilities, and policies must be present if we are to satisfy our constituencies? Do our suppliers and institutional leaders understand our needs? What services, facilities, and policies must be present if we are to satisfy our constituencies? Do our suppliers and institutional leaders understand our needs? What steps do we perform to produce our services? What steps do we perform to produce our services? How do we measure our results? How do we measure our results? How do we use these measurements to continually improve the services we provide? How do we use these measurements to continually improve the services we provide? Are we achieving our objectives? Are we improving? Are we achieving our objectives? Are we improving? Are our constituencies satisfied? Are our constituencies satisfied?
Dr. Mohorjy, Prof. Reda, Dr. Ahmed EC EC 2000 is a Two Loop Process Key Terminology Statements that describe what students are expected to know and be able to do at the time of graduation Statements that describe the expected accomplishments of graduates during the first few years after graduation Program Outcomes Educational Objectives
Dr. Mohorjy, Prof. Reda, Dr. Ahmed EC EC 2000 is a Two Loop Process
Dr. Mohorjy, Prof. Reda, Dr. Ahmed EC ABET – EC 2000 Criteria #1: Students Criteria #6: Facilities Criteria #7: Institutional Support & Financial Resources Criteria #4: Professional Component Criteria #5: Faculty Criteria #2: Program Educational Objectives Criteria #3: Program Outcomes and assessment
Dr. Mohorjy, Prof. Reda, Dr. Ahmed EC Students Criteria #1 The quality and performance of students and graduates is an important success factor. The quality and performance of students and graduates is an important success factor. To determine success in meeting program objectives, the institution must: To determine success in meeting program objectives, the institution must: – Advise – Evaluate – Monitor Assure that all students meet all institution’s program requirements. Assure that all students meet all institution’s program requirements.
Dr. Mohorjy, Prof. Reda, Dr. Ahmed EC Students
Dr. Mohorjy, Prof. Reda, Dr. Ahmed EC Program Educational Objectives Criteria #2 Detailed, published educational objectives that are consistent with the mission of the institution and these criteria. Detailed, published educational objectives that are consistent with the mission of the institution and these criteria. A process, based on needs of constituencies, in which objectives are determined and periodically evaluated. A process, based on needs of constituencies, in which objectives are determined and periodically evaluated. A curriculum and processes that prepare students for the achievement of these objectives. A curriculum and processes that prepare students for the achievement of these objectives. A system of ongoing evaluation that demonstrates achievement of these objectives and uses the results to improve the effectiveness of the program. A system of ongoing evaluation that demonstrates achievement of these objectives and uses the results to improve the effectiveness of the program. Each Engineering Program Must Have
Dr. Mohorjy, Prof. Reda, Dr. Ahmed EC Program Outcomes and Assessment Criteria #3 Define program outcomes including (a-k) Define program outcomes including (a-k) Implement an assessment process with documented results. Implement an assessment process with documented results. Demonstrate that graduates have achieved desired outcomes Demonstrate that graduates have achieved desired outcomes Apply results to further develop and continuously improve the program Apply results to further develop and continuously improve the program
Dr. Mohorjy, Prof. Reda, Dr. Ahmed EC Program Outcomes including (a-k) Criteria #3 a) An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering appropriate to the discipline b) An ability to design and conduct experiments, analyze and interpret data c) An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs d) An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams Engineering programs must demonstrate that their graduates have:
Dr. Mohorjy, Prof. Reda, Dr. Ahmed EC Program Outcomes including (a-k) Criteria #3 e) An ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems f) An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility g) An ability to communicate effectively h) The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a societal context i) A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life- long learning
Dr. Mohorjy, Prof. Reda, Dr. Ahmed EC Program Outcomes including (a-k) Criteria #3 j) A knowledge on contemporary issues k) An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.
Dr. Mohorjy, Prof. Reda, Dr. Ahmed EC Performance Outcomes Levels of Analysis Student Course Program Graduation/ Completion Graduation/ Completion Professional Knowledge & Use Self-Driven Learning Effectiveness Multimedia support Instructor quality Interrelations Multidisciplinary inputs Lab support Completion rates Job entry Graduate school entry Feedback Employer satisfaction Hiring/promotion rates Retraining Levels of income
Dr. Mohorjy, Prof. Reda, Dr. Ahmed EC Professional Component Criteria #4 Curriculum must devote adequate attention and time to each curricular components, consistent with objectives of the program and institution Curriculum must devote adequate attention and time to each curricular components, consistent with objectives of the program and institution Prepare students for engineering practice Prepare students for engineering practice – Major design experience – Subject areas appropriate to engineering
Dr. Mohorjy, Prof. Reda, Dr. Ahmed EC Professional Component Criteria #4 A culminating experience, based on knowledge and skills acquired in earlier coursework A culminating experience, based on knowledge and skills acquired in earlier coursework Must incorporate engineering standards and realistic constraints, including most of the following considerations: Must incorporate engineering standards and realistic constraints, including most of the following considerations: Major Design Experience – Economic – Environmental – Sustainability – Manufacturability – Ethical – Health and Safety – Social – Political
Dr. Mohorjy, Prof. Reda, Dr. Ahmed EC Professional Component Criteria #4 One year of a combination of college level mathematics and basic sciences (some with experimental experience) appropriate to the discipline One year of a combination of college level mathematics and basic sciences (some with experimental experience) appropriate to the discipline One and one-half years of engineering topics, to include engineering sciences and engineering design appropriate to the student’s field of study One and one-half years of engineering topics, to include engineering sciences and engineering design appropriate to the student’s field of study A general education component that complements the technical content of the curriculum and is consistent with the program and institution objectives A general education component that complements the technical content of the curriculum and is consistent with the program and institution objectives Subject Areas
Dr. Mohorjy, Prof. Reda, Dr. Ahmed EC Faculty Criteria #5 Sufficient number Sufficient number – Adequate levels of student-faculty interaction – Student advising and counseling – University service activities – Industry interaction – Professional development Competent to cover all curricular areas of program Competent to cover all curricular areas of program Ensure proper guidance of the program, its evaluation and development Ensure proper guidance of the program, its evaluation and development
Dr. Mohorjy, Prof. Reda, Dr. Ahmed EC Facilities Criteria #6 Classrooms, laboratories and equipment must be adequate to: Classrooms, laboratories and equipment must be adequate to: – Accomplish program objectives – Foster faculty-student interaction – Encourage professional development Must provide opportunities for students to learn use of modern engineering tools Must provide opportunities for students to learn use of modern engineering tools Computing and information infrastructure must be adequate to support: Computing and information infrastructure must be adequate to support: – Scholarly activities of students and faculty – Educational objectives
Dr. Mohorjy, Prof. Reda, Dr. Ahmed EC Institutional Support & Financial Resources Criteria #7 Constructive Leadership Constructive Leadership Financial Resources Financial Resources – Sufficient to acquire, maintain and operate facilities – Sufficient to attract, retain, and provide for continued professional development of faculty Technical and Clerical Services Technical and Clerical Services
Dr. Mohorjy, Prof. Reda, Dr. Ahmed EC Program Criteria Each program must satisfy applicable Program Criteria Each program must satisfy applicable Program Criteria – Curricula topics – Faculty qualifications Must satisfy all Program Criteria implied by title of program Must satisfy all Program Criteria implied by title of program
Dr. Mohorjy, Prof. Reda, Dr. Ahmed EC Accreditation Process
Dr. Mohorjy, Prof. Reda, Dr. Ahmed EC Accreditation Process On-going compliance with EC 2000 On-going compliance with EC 2000 Apply to ABET for accreditation Apply to ABET for accreditation Prepare Program Self-Study Reports Prepare Program Self-Study Reports Assemble supporting materials to demonstrate achievement of outcomes Assemble supporting materials to demonstrate achievement of outcomes Assess level of implementation Assess level of implementation
Dr. Mohorjy, Prof. Reda, Dr. Ahmed EC Apply to ABET for Accreditation
Dr. Mohorjy, Prof. Reda, Dr. Ahmed EC HANDS ON EXPERIENCE ECKPRES.DOC ECKPRES.DOC EXAMPLES 1 and 2 Review of a Course Design Template and Assessment form
Dr. Mohorjy, Prof. Reda, Dr. Ahmed EC Prepare Program Self-Study Report Background Information Background Information – Degree Titles – Program modes – Actions to correct previous deficiencies Accreditation Summary Accreditation Summary Accreditation Summary Accreditation Summary – How each element of criteria is met (in order) – This is the focal point of the Self-Study Report Appendix I – Program Tabular Information Appendix I – Program Tabular Information Appendix I – Program Tabular Information Appendix I – Program Tabular Information Appendix II – Institutional Profile Appendix II – Institutional Profile – Background information relative to institution – Background information relative to engineering unit An Example An Example
Dr. Mohorjy, Prof. Reda, Dr. Ahmed EC Accreditation Summary For each of the Eight Criteria: For each of the Eight Criteria: – A complete description of how the program satisfies each of the EC 2000 requirements – Evidence that demonstrates that each of the EC 2000 requirements has been achieved – A description of additional evidence that will be provided during the campus visit Prepare Program Self-Study Report
Dr. Mohorjy, Prof. Reda, Dr. Ahmed EC Program Tabular Information Appendix I – Program Self-Study Report – Basic-Level Curriculum Table – Course and Section Size Summary Table – Faculty Workload Summary Table – Faculty Analysis Table – Support Expenditures Table – Course Syllabi – Faculty Curriculum Vitae (2 pages) Prepare Program Self-Study Report
Dr. Mohorjy, Prof. Reda, Dr. Ahmed EC Institutional Profile Program evaluators will require some information about the institution and the engineering unit. Therefore, information about the institution and the engineering unit should be supplied as Appendix II which may be attached to each Program Self-Study Report or supplied as a separate document. The institution may employ any means it chooses to represent itself to ABET and the visiting team. Consequently, the references to specific tables in the following are for guidance only. The information may be presented in any manner the institution chooses. Prepare Program Self-Study Report
Dr. Mohorjy, Prof. Reda, Dr. Ahmed EC Institution Preparation
Dr. Mohorjy, Prof. Reda, Dr. Ahmed EC Institution Preparation Implementation plan Implementation plan Questions institution will need to answer Questions institution will need to answer Keep in Mind Keep in Mind
Dr. Mohorjy, Prof. Reda, Dr. Ahmed EC Implementation Plan ASPECTS OF PLANNING: –A–A–A–Administrative –A–A–A–Awareness –A–A–A–Application/Preparation –R–R–R–Response –P–P–P–Pre-assessment –A–A–A–Abet Timeline
Dr. Mohorjy, Prof. Reda, Dr. Ahmed EC ADMINISTRATIVE The College Level Committee The College Level Committee (Steering Committee) (Steering Committee) The Program Chairmen The Program Chairmen The Departmental Representatives The Departmental Representatives Implementation Plan
Dr. Mohorjy, Prof. Reda, Dr. Ahmed EC AWARENESS Final Statements Final Statements EC 2000 ~ Conventional Criteria Presentations EC 2000 ~ Conventional Criteria Presentations Workshops & Seminars Workshops & Seminars Implementation Plan
Dr. Mohorjy, Prof. Reda, Dr. Ahmed EC APPLICATION / PREPARATION Departmental Applications / Preparation Departmental Applications / Preparation EC 2000 Guidelines EC 2000 Guidelines Inspections Inspections Implementation Plan
Dr. Mohorjy, Prof. Reda, Dr. Ahmed EC RESPONSE Senior Project Samples Senior Project Samples Interim Reports Interim Reports To ABET To ABET Implementation Plan
Dr. Mohorjy, Prof. Reda, Dr. Ahmed EC PRE-ASSESSMENT Self Study Questionnaires Self Study Questionnaires Pre-assessment by: PILOT DEPTS. COLLEGE PEER REVIEW Implementation Plan
Dr. Mohorjy, Prof. Reda, Dr. Ahmed EC ABET TIMELINE One Year And 8 Months Duration One Year And 8 Months Duration Implementation Plan
Dr. Mohorjy, Prof. Reda, Dr. Ahmed EC ACTIVITY PLAN ACTIVITY PLAN (For the planned activities indicated in the table; the exact timing may be modified, if needed.) Implementation Plan
Dr. Mohorjy, Prof. Reda, Dr. Ahmed EC
Dr. Mohorjy, Prof. Reda, Dr. Ahmed EC Questions to Answer Objectives – How were the objectives determined? – Are they consistent with the mission statement? – Are they measurable? – What is your process to review and update? – How do you know when you have achieved your objectives? Constituencies – Who are your constituencies? – How do you involve your constituencies in the continuous improvement process? – Explore with the students whether they believe they are providing input and receiving feedback.
Dr. Mohorjy, Prof. Reda, Dr. Ahmed EC Questions to Answer Outcomes What should students know and be able to do upon graduation? What should students know and be able to do upon graduation? Do students know what the required outcomes are? Do students know what the required outcomes are? Processes What is your process to achieve your objectives? How is it documented? What is your process to achieve your objectives? How is it documented? What does it do? How do you know it does what you say it does? What does it do? How do you know it does what you say it does? Who is responsible for maintaining and improving the process? What is your personal involvement? Who is responsible for maintaining and improving the process? What is your personal involvement?
Dr. Mohorjy, Prof. Reda, Dr. Ahmed EC Questions to Answer Assessment Are there measurements for each outcomes? Are there measurements for each outcomes? What is measured? How often? What is measured? How often? How do you use the data you collect? How do you use the data you collect? Do your measures provide the discrimination you want? Do your measures provide the discrimination you want? What is your process to continuously improve outcomes? What is your process to continuously improve outcomes? Where is the feedback loop? Where is the feedback loop? What actions have been taken to improve outcomes as a result of the assessment process? What actions have been taken to improve outcomes as a result of the assessment process?
Dr. Mohorjy, Prof. Reda, Dr. Ahmed EC Questions to Answer Results How do you demonstrate that outcomes are achieved? How do you demonstrate that outcomes are achieved? What is your assessment of the quality of the program? What is your assessment of the quality of the program? What evidence do you have to demonstrate that your efforts to improve the program are producing results? What evidence do you have to demonstrate that your efforts to improve the program are producing results? Based on your analysis of assessment data, what are your plans for additional improvement? Based on your analysis of assessment data, what are your plans for additional improvement? Are your constituencies pleased with the results? How do you know this? Are your constituencies pleased with the results? How do you know this?
Dr. Mohorjy, Prof. Reda, Dr. Ahmed EC Keep in Mind The visitor is NOT expected to be an expert on assessment. The visitor is NOT expected to be an expert on assessment. You must provide evidence that you have a working and effective system in place. You must provide evidence that you have a working and effective system in place. You must describe a clear relationship between program objectives, outcomes, and measurable indicators of success You must describe a clear relationship between program objectives, outcomes, and measurable indicators of success You must demonstrate the level to which you have achieved YOUR objectives and required outcomes You must demonstrate the level to which you have achieved YOUR objectives and required outcomes The visitor will assess the program based on the criteria and the strength of the evidence you provide, not personal preferences. The visitor will assess the program based on the criteria and the strength of the evidence you provide, not personal preferences.
Dr. Mohorjy, Prof. Reda, Dr. Ahmed EC