بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم The Internet and the World Wide Web
Using the Internet and World Wide Web The Internet is a worldwide collection of networks connecting millions of computers all over the world. The World Wide Web is the collection of Web pages accessed through the Internet. Computers that host Web pages are called Web servers.
What Is a Browser? A Web browser is a program used to view Web pages. Common browsers: Microsoft Internet Explorer Netscape Navigator Mozilla Firefox MSN Explorer Opera America Online
Accessing the Internet You can be connected via a direct or always-on connection, or a dial-up connection. Internet service providers (ISPs) are the gateway to the Internet. Typically charge monthly fees Most allow you to use the Web browser of your choice
Internet Addresses An Internet address tells where something on the Internet can be located. IP addresses and domain names identify computers available through the Internet. addresses identify a person on the Internet.
Internet Addresses, cont’d. URLs identify Web pages on the Internet.
One of the first applications to appear on the Internet and still the most popular. An message can be sent to anyone with an Internet address.
Sending can be sent over private networks, over the Internet, or over some combination of the two. hyperlinks on Web pages can be used to start an e- mail message using your program. Many programs also enable users to attach files.
Receiving can be received over private networks, over the Internet, or over some combination of the two. is often sent using a browser’s built-in program, such as Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Outlook Express, or Netscape Mail.
Managing Sent and received messages are stored in separate folders, and deleted messages are moved to some type of Trash or Deleted Items folder. Create additional folders to organize you would like to keep. Delete unneeded messages periodically and then empty the Trash folder to free up space on your hard drive.
Mailing Lists, Newsgroups, Chat, and Instant Messaging Mailing lists: topical discussion groups that use to communicate. Newsgroups: targeted to specific topics; are grouped and organized by thread before they are made available to users.
Downloading and Installing Plug-Ins and Other Files Downloading a file means to copy a file over the Internet to your PC. A browser plug-in program adds new capabilities to your browser.
Downloading Files Click the appropriate link and specify where the file should be stored on your PC. Sometimes files may be opened automatically in your browser if you have the appropriate plug-in. The amount of time required to download a file depends on the size of the file and the speed of your Internet connection.
Using Downloaded Files Possible file types: Zipped (.zip) PDF (.pdf) Image (.gif,.jpg,.tif,.bmp, etc.) Music (.wav,.mp3, etc.) Video (.avi,.mov, etc.) Executable (.exe) Application (.doc,.xls, etc.)
Evolution of the Internet The Internet is a worldwide collection of linked networks that is used for personal and commercial communications and for information exchange. Consists of thousands of interconnected networks that are accessed by millions of people daily
From ARPANET to Internet2 The Internet began in 1969 as an experimental government project. The U.S. Department of Defense wanted to develop a network. At its start the Internet was called the ARPANET. The ARPANET was named for the group that sponsored its development, the Advanced Research Project Agency. As the experiment grew during the next decade, hundreds of colleges and universities tapped into ARPANET. Over the years ARPANET became the connecting thread of protocols that tied together disparate networks. By the end of the 1980s, ARPANET was renamed and called the Internet.