Class Five
Ontario Curriculum Unit Planner Please take an OCUP CD and insert it in into your CD/DVD Drive
Step 1 – Click Open folder to view files
Step 2 – Double-click setup.exe
Step 3 – Click Next >
Step 4 – Agree to the license agreement & click Next >
Step 5 – Click Next >
Step 6 – Click Next >
Step 7 – Click Next >
Step 8 – Click Install
Step 9 – Click Next
Step 10 – Click Finish
2007 OCUP Runtime Update Insert the USB memory key Goto GUIDES2007Update_RT folder and double click install.exe Follow the onscreen instructions Goto OCUP2007Update_RT folder and double click install.exe Follow the onscreen instructions
Select the PLANNER RUNTIME icon from your Desktop Click Add Author
Fill in the appropriate information into the form and choose a memorable Login and Password
Browse Library Units My Work, Library, Catalog, Web Catalog Browse Teacher Companions Teaching/Learning Strategies Strategies Chart Visual Tools Browse Curriculum Expectations Select Grade, Subject, Strand, Expectation (Overall/Specific)
Modes Outliner Allows you to create a concise, two-page unit outline, including Initial Assessment, Subtasks, and Culminating Task. Lite WYSIWYG framework which allows you to design a unit that looks exactly the way the unit will look when printed. Open Provides a large framework with the maximum design options
Outliner/Lite/Open Enable Text Help Prompts Guides you through planning your unit = Teacher Companions G/TL/A/RD G = Groupings TL = Teaching/Learning Strategies A = Assessment RD = Recording Devices Use ? to get guide
FAQ Why have a teaching portfolio? Teacher portfolios provide important insight into a teachers' individual talents and beliefs about education. Increasingly, school boards/principals require portfolios from their teaching staff. Through this process teachers have gained valuable experience in selecting the types of materials they collect as well as ways in which to store the information.
FAQ Why create an Electronic Portfolio? E-portfolios are concise collections of teacher work / accomplishments which can be modified regularly without much additional work. What makes e-portfolios very different from traditional portfolios is that they can include scanned or digital photos, video and sound clips, animations, recordings, text, traditional writings, drawings. …
FAQ What do I include on my e-portfolio? Teacher portfolios are a collection of work produced by a teacher. The portfolio is designed to highlight and demonstrate the teachers' talents, knowledge and skills in teaching. Ultimately, the goal for this assignment is for you to make something that you are proud to present to potential employers which is reflective of YOU. This means that you should include only what YOU want to include.
Sample - Websites
Where Do I Start Hardware The ITeach Resource Center (BCEC-010) has a heavy- duty HP 5590 scanner to make it easy for you to create an e-portfolio.
Where Do I Start Software PDF files are convenient because they are cross platform compatible and you can ensure that the formatting in your document stays consistent on all computers. PrimoPDF is a FREE PDF creation utility which allows you to create a PDF file of ANYTHING.
Where Do I Start Software If you wish to create a Website to promote yourself there are a variety of HTML editors/web services you can use. Nvu is a FREE HTML editor which allows you to create your own personal website.