Tsunami Warning System of SCS Zhao Lianda National Marine Environmental Forecasting Center (NMEFC), SOA
1、Tsunami warning framework State Council PTWC Earthquake CEA Emergency departments Tsunami warning system Local governments Tide gauges Water-level Tsunami buoys Medias
2、Monitoring 2.1 tide gauge stations 2.2 tsunami buoys in SCS
2.1、 Tidal Gauge Stations, SOA State Oceanic Administration of China (SOA) has established a tide gauge stations network to monitor sea level change. The monitoring net work was composed coastal tide gauges and island tide gauges.
December 26, 2006年,occurred in the south of Taiwan Island ChongWu tide gauge station recorded 7.8 cm tsunami wave after 3.4 hours of earthquake(right-up map) ; DongShan tide gauge station recorded 10 cm tsunami wave after 3.2 hours of earthquake (right-middle map);HongKong Observary recorded 10 cm tsunami wave (right-below map) 。 Sunday, April 23, 2017 5
Two tsunami buoys will be purchased and deployed in SCS. 2.2 Tsunami monitor buoys Two tsunami buoys will be purchased and deployed in SCS. We will get real-time data from tsunami buoys in the latter half of the next year. the locations of two tsunami buoys 6
3 Quantitative Tsunami Forecast System Parameters input Epicenter determination (H1,h1) (H,h) 10 minutes Database Numerical modeling Results
Thank you
Hypothesis tsunami earthquake epicenters 235 epicenters are determined in 10-32N ,105-132E, covering the Ryukyu and Manila Trench
For each epicenter, 30 (5*6) tsunami cases: Magnitude (Mw): 6.5, 7.0, 7.5, 8.0, 8.5 Focal depth (km): 0, 20, 40, 60, 80,100 Mass computing, all about 7050(235*30 ) tsunami events case. The results are loaded into database. The database will expand in future Some computing files 10 10
Tsunami forecast system based on database and GIS 11
Tsunami forecast results display. Different color divide coastline. Each frame gives tsunami wave height and arrival time. Different color of frames represents different impact.