Lesson Three Writing a Rhythmic Composition. Reviewing: Crotchets, Quavers, and Semi-quavers I n lesson two you learned that when you hear one sound on.


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Presentation transcript:

Lesson Three Writing a Rhythmic Composition

Reviewing: Crotchets, Quavers, and Semi-quavers I n lesson two you learned that when you hear one sound on a beat it is called a crotchet and it lasts for one beat. When you hear two equal sounds on a beat they are called quavers. There are two quavers on one beat. When you hear four equal sounds on a beat they are called semi quavers. There are four semiquavers on one beat. When you are clapping a rhythm try saying the following syllables for each of the following notes: crotchets – tah quavers – ti-ti semiquavers – tikka tikka

Writing quavers and semi-quavers Quavers can be written in two ways: 1.As separate notes 2. Beamed together Semiquavers can also be written in two ways 1.As separate notes 2.Beamed together

RHYTHMIC EXERCISES Try clapping the following rhythms and saying the syllables at the same time. The first few times you may want to use the video to help you. Now try these rhythms with your class

Crotchet Rests In music each note has a corresponding rest – a duration of time where there is silence. The crotchet rest looks like this and the quaver rest looks this and a semi quaver rest looks like this If you use one quaver note and a quaver rest together they look like this:

Time signatures The time signature tells you how many beats are in each measure. Common time signatures are: 2/4, 3/4, or 4/4 The top number always tells you the number of beats in each measure, while the number 4 on the bottom indicates that the crotchet receives one beat.

Time signatures Look back at slide 5 and decide which time signature fits the rhythmic counting exercises. That's right! It should have a time signature of 4/4. Or you could say the exercises are in meter of 4. The lines that divide the groupings of four beats are called bar lines. The space between the bar lines is called a measure or a bar. Now it is your turn to compose!

Writing a Rhythmic Composition You and your class will be writing two compositions – at least one of them should be in 3/4. The other may be 2/4 or 4/4. Each composition should be 4 measures long. In each composition use quavers, semi- quavers crotchets and one crotchet rest. When you are writing quavers make sure that you beam them in groups of two except when you have used a quaver rest. Treat semi- quavers in the same manner.

Composition Check List I began with the time signature I have the correct number of beats in each measure I have included crotchets, quavers, semiquavers and at least one rest in each piece. I have placed the bar lines in the appropriate places.

Downloading Noteworthy Composer Go to Download the evaluation copy of Noteworthy Composer by saving the “exe” file to your desktop Install the program by clicking on the “exe” file and following the directions Down load the Handbook as well which provides clear directions for using the program.

Using Noteworthy Composer Open the program A box will appear, click “close” Select File/New, then Blank score Now give your piece a title, type your name where it says “author”, click OK Staff appears, click staff/properties/visual/ - change staff lines from 5 to 1, click “ok”

Inserting the composition Select the appropriate time signature from the tool bar Put the cursor on the line, select the correct note (quaver or crotchet) from the tool bar and hit enter To make a rest select the correct note and hit the space bar to make it a rest To insert a bar line hit “tab” To add the beams to the quavers go tools/automatic beam

Save and Upload Save your Noteworthy file by clicking file/save as Title the file “Composition Lesson 1, time signature used and your full name For example “Composition 1 3/4 Ruth Morrison Upload the file to the correct assignment drop box. Include a video of your class clapping one of the compositions or performing it with found sounds.

Please Note! Files titled incorrectly will not be marked Files sent by will not be marked Only files that appear in the correct assignment drop box will be marked Late assignments will receive a grade of “0”

Reading Assignment You are now prepared to read the following files from the “Elements of Music” folder: Beat, tempo, meter and rhythm Simple rhythmic activities Try a few of these with your students, your children, or some friends.