Marine Core Service MY OCEAN WP 09 Monitoring & Forecasting Centre for Mediterranean sea Marina Tonani-WP9 Leader
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma INGV 16 partners 9 countries Reminder - Partnership
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma Reminder - Objectives for R&D n Main objective was n Main issues INGV,USAM,OGS HCMR MERCATOR Specify Design Develop the Mediterranean system V0-V1-V2 Med-MFC-currents Med-MFC-biogeochemistry Backup system at HCMR Wave-currents interactions upgrades in NEMO (HCMR-INGV) Atmospheric pressure term in NEMO (INGV) Tools for the production of re-analisys (INGV) DEMO-High resolution atmospheric forcing (INGV-USAM) DEMO-Super-ensemble method (MERCATOR-INGV-HCMR) Med-MFC-currents Higher frequency of the production of the forecast (OGS) Data assimilation of biogeochemical data (OGS-INGV)
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma R&D : main achievements n Main achievements are n Med-currents: first step of wave-current interaction (introduction of the roughness in the computation of the wind stress drag coeff.) developed and tested (Operational V1) n Development of re-analysis tool (Ongoing production for V2 release) n Back-up system for Med-currents (Operational in V1) n Initialization of the Med-currents V1 system from climatology starting from year 1997 (V1 system) n Med-biogeochemistry off-line coupled with Med-currents V1 (V0 was off-line coupled in the “before MyO” Med-currents system not into Med-currents V0) (Operational in V1) n Med-biogeochemistry with new BC (rivers, atmosphere and light extinction factor) and Phosphorous co-limitation parameterization (Operational in V1) n Increase in the production frequency for Med-biogeochemistry, from weekly to bi- weekly (Operational in V1) n Development and test of atm. pressure term in NEMO code (Operational V2) n Development of Chl data assimilation in Med-biogeochemistry (Operational in V2) n Med-currents: second step of wave-current interaction (insertion of theCoriolis- Stokes term in the P.E. of NEMO) preliminary studies and results
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma R&D : main achievements n Remaining activities (in progress) n Med-currents: second step of wave-current interaction (insertion of theCoriolis- Stokes term in the P.E. of NEMO P.E.) full development n Med-biogeochemistry: data assimilation of Chl fully tested n Med-currents DEMO: Super-ensemble method for melding of three basin scale forecasting systems, Krishnamurti approach experiments and assessment of the results n Med-currents DEMO: high resolution atmospheric forcing experiments and assessment of the results
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma Reminder - Objectives for Dev. & Maintenance INGV,USAM,OGS HCMR n Objectives Carry out the Implementation Phase for the Med-MFC and develop Initial Operational Procedures, IOP n Steps Development and maintainment of HW and SW infrastructures for production Overall production and service monitoring and reporting Upgrading capabilities Upgrade, deliver and validate in operational mode the V1-V2 systems following WP2 and Cal/Val protocols
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma Dev. & Maint. : main achievements n Main achievements are n Med-currents and Med-biogeochemistry V1 system with all the WP2- WP16-WP17 required functionalities implemented on time n Implementation of all the components needed for the back-up system (in particular: establishment of a connection from INGV-nominal system to HCMR-back-up system for the daily delivery of the I.C.) n Med-biogoechemistry off line coupled with Med-currents: operational transition from “before MyO” to MyO V1 physical forcing n Transition from V0 to V1 for SST-TAC and INS-TAC products (now Med- MFC is connected to the Med-portal) n ALL the Dev. & Maint. operation have been performed in agreement with the PC protocols defined in the delivered documentation for V1 and following the MyOcean requirements n Main difficulties n Adaptation to the MyOcean standard and procedure. Production of all the required documentation n Remaining tasks n Transition from Vo to V1 for SLA products from SL-TAC n V2 implementation
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma Reminder - Objectives for Production n Objectives MFC-CURRENT Analysis & Forecast V0V1V2 Potential Temperature XXX Salinity XXX Currents XXX Sea Level XXX ForecastV0V1V2 Chl-a XX X Nitrate X X Phosphate X X Phytoplancton biomass X Dissolved Oxigen X Primary Production X MFC-BIOGEOCHEMISTRY n Products* Ensure production & archiving Med-MFC-current & biogeochemistry products Cal/val products Re-analysis of Med-MFC-current & biogeochemistry Following WP2-WP16 service protocols for V0-V1-V2 INGV,USAM,OGS HCMR * daily and bi-weekly production respectively for Med-currents and Med-biogeochemistry
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma Production : main achievements n Main achievements are n D issemination of all the due products for V1 via MIS-GateWay and for Med-currents via FTP (on demand) n Standard names for the netCDF files following the recommendation of MyOcean and harmonization of the nomenclature between Med-currents and Med-biogeochemistry n Med-biogeochemistry: addition of nutrients fields to the pool of products n Statistics of users in V0 and V1 (see WP17 presentation for details) n Set-up of a PC Service Desk: connection point with all the DU/PU and with the Central Service Desk. Incident, RFC and notification procedure in place n Back-up system in terms of PU and DU n Delivery of Specific Core Products to EEA: SST forecast maps n MIS-GW delivery system performance tests n Remaining objectives n V1 stream 2 update of the system (e.g. addition of “DirectGetFile” functionality in MIS-GW) n V2 products and integration
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma n Objectives Develop a network-based validation system for Med-MFC products using local data sets and/or other existing models n Steps ftp network to collect every week all the obs and model data at INGV software developed ad-hoc for obs and model data intercomparison and visualization. This SW should be shared with all the CalVal partners and if possible interfaced with MyOcean Cal/Val system Data policy is established by MOON-DEA and MyO for both observational and model data in order to involve all the MOON partners Issues Q/C for observations to be used in Cal/Val Connection with WP15 Format of Cal/Val data (obs & model) Reminder - Objectives for Cal / Val CNR.ISPRA,OGS,INGV CSIC, PUERTOS IOLR HCMR, NKUA IFREMER NIB OC-UCY UMT-IOI-POU IMS-METU CNR.ISPRA,OGS,INGV IMS-METU
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma Cal/Val : main achievements n Main achievements are n NRT CalVal network established. NRT diagnostic (Med-currents analysis and forecast vs. moored buoys and satellite SST) available on the web ( ), weekly update n NRT Chl evaluation for Med-biogeochemistry available on the web ( weekly update n Long time series evaluation for Med-currents ( weekly update n Multi-annual qualitative comparison, spatial aggregated and temporal aggregated statistis for Med-biogeochemistry n NRT model intercomparison at moored buoy location between Med- currents and some of the MOON nested sub-regional and coastal forecasting systems. Definition of format and protocol of data exchange, development of the SW for the statistics and visualization, preliminary results available on the web ( )
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma Cal/Val : main achievements n Main difficulties n Collection and management of needed information n Data exchange format and structure of the database n Comparison between model and tide-gauge n Remaining tasks n technical task : additional functionalities in the SW n inter-comparison with ALL the MOON nested forecasting systems n MyOcean cross-cutting CalVal activities
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma Main Challenges n Scientific Challenges Med-MFC-biogeochemistry data assimilation Current-wave interactions development: impact of waves on ocean circulation n Technical Challenges Synchronization of the production among the different PUs n Operational Challenges Provide the service on-time. Compliance with MyOcean protocols n Ultimate Challenges High quality forecast capability
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma Future Challenges n Scientific Challenges –Evaluation and assessment of V2 versus V1 system –Assessment of the Cal/Val network information n Technical Challenges –Further integration into the MyOcean system of systems –Delivery mechanism fully tested and assessed n Operational Challenges –Fulfillment of the user needs –Cross-cutting CalVal activities in place –More flexibility of the Catalog n Main Risks n Many goals to be achieved in short time
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma n Past (event, work or tasks achieved) : –May 2010: CIESM 39 th Congress –December 2010: MyOcean Science days –December 2010: V1 stream 1 –March 2011: MyOcean Med Workshop joint with MOON Annual Assembly –Meetings and videoconf: Internal and with TAC’s n Future : –June 2011 ESF-MedClivar Conference –September 2011 : V2 system in pre-operational –December 2011 : V2 Calendar
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma WP 11 EXPENSES Actual (March2010) Variance versus Budget Comments K€ % Coordination %More… R&D %Less… Dev/Maint. Production Cal/Val WP Coordination 1st reporting period : Budget Figures will be provided by PMO as soon as your partners have finished reporting and will be added to your presentation. Be ready to give short explanations on main deviances during your presentation... We are talking about estimated budget (best estimates) ! ~ 2 mn
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma Some illustrations… Thanks to Claudia Cesarini (clu) for filming