Creating a national plan for the regional contribution to National ICOOS
Purpose of “Regional Contribution to National ICOOS” Articulate the value that regions bring to the nation Describe more specifically what $$ will buy Audience: Hill, OMB, administration, etc Provides a method for: discussions with federal agencies about roles and responsibilities for meeting user needs; a more rigorous requirements document
Proposed product: page document Introduction – purpose/need: regional IOOS (1 pg) Value of regional approach (1 pg) Proposed build out for regional obs & models (1 pg) Climate change (1 pg) Ecosystem health (1 pg) Marine operations (1 pg) Coastal hazards (1 pg) Cross-cutting: data integration, E&O, MSP (1 pg)
Timeline Organize writing teams/groups9/1/09 Agree on plan components, issues to be resolved, graphics needed9/10/09 Circulate 1 st drafts of plan components region-wide for comments10/15/09 Writing team holds retreat to complete first full draft 10/23/09 1 st draft circulates region-wide for comments 10/23-30/09 2 nd draft circulates region-wide for comments 11/16-20/09 Document finalized, print-ready12/1/09
Writing Team and Working Groups Core writing team: Josie Quintrell, Molly McCammn, Harvey Seim, Christine Manninen, Ann Jochens
Introduction Purpose & need Articulate regional value – Relationship to regional governors alliances, national & regional climate initiatives, Ocean Action Plan, Joint Ocean Commission Initiatives, Marine Spatial Planning Relation to NOAA mission goals; other agency missions Short summary of entire document
Value of regional approach Connection to regional stakeholders/users Observations to fill in the holes between national, single- mission platforms Federal missions implemented at regional level Platforms for multi-use Data for model validation and assimilation Data systems that provide easy access and at regional scale Integrated regional database for data Leveraging capability Local knowledge and R&D Neutral forum for coastal ocean information
Coastal Climate Change Observing System Regional scale (resolution) and easy access to: – Upwelling Index – data – SST anomalies – data – T/S etc, tide gauge, meteorology – time-series, trends and extremes, means & anomalies – Info of regional significance, e.g., ice area, timing, etc Long time-series at regional scale: – Historical records – data access, ocean climatology, temperature maps, events, salinity, sea/lake ice, surface currents – Sustained ocean transects (gliders) – data, plots, stratification, difference analysis – Ocean acidification – historical and RT – Sea level & lake levels – status and trends – Inundation and waves – status and trends, vulnerabilities – Wind and storms – status and events – Carbon cycle – status and trends Measurements required for regional climate indices and model validation and assimilation – e.g., temp/salinity
Ecosystem health including fisheries & water quality Forecasts, analyses and/or product integration to support warnings or economic & resource management decisions for events of social and ecosystem significance – e.g., HABs, hypoxia, pathogens, shellfish health, fish vitality, human health Access to platforms to deploy technologies to measure variables of ecosystem health – e.g., ocean acidification, oil, contaminants Maps and information to feed marine spatial planning and MPAs, resource sustainability, ecosystem based management, Integrated Ecosystem Assessments (IEAs) – e.g. species, habitat, transport Sustained observations and analyses from which to evaluate climate impact on ecosystem health Provide physical ocean conditions for fisheries management
Marine Operations Marine transportation tools - Integrated tool for ships transiting waters - Integrated tools for ships leaving & returning to ports, coasts, nearshore conditions - Information to NWS forecast offices Search and rescue - SAROPS – USCG - Local search & rescue Spills - Spill trajectories - NOAA HAZMAT GNOME model Offshore energy - siting & monitoring of long-term effects - use of facilities as platforms
Coastal hazards Inundation Shoreline change Extreme events
Cross-cutting Data mgmt Education & outreach MSP
Proposed build-out Table of build-out a la global program Map of assets (red & green) showing leveraging
Global Ocean Observing System for Climate: Designed for & reporting to UNFCCC
Other steps/issues Review products according to themes: post on AOOS website; weekly show & tells – decide which ones to highlight/focus on – what is unique regional capacity? Ensure federal agency review/participation How can we effectively incorporate cost/benefits info to the extent we have it? What performance metrics can be used? How do we address leveraging issue – is build- out only for IOOS funds?