rights & responsibilities law in action
outcomes know where individuals rights and responsibilities come from define rights and responsibilities as applied in different situations
our rights Statues & common law Acts of parliament, and case law individuals have the right of protection from criminal activity (criminal law), and injustices (civil law)
our rights The Constitution right to vote freedom to religion own property trial by jury fair trial
our rights International conventions rights of the child - legally binding, ratified 1990 Rights of the child ✦ free from discrimination ✦ interests must be considered by the courts, and welfare agencies ✦ right to express their opinions on matters affecting them ✦ right to express their views, obtain information ✦ right to freedom of thought, morals, religion
responsibilities Citizens’ rights come with certain responsibilities consider rights and responsibilities of employee employer student
Discrimination What is discrimination ? Treating some people differently to others because they have a certain characteristic (such as their race or gender) Discrimination is unlawful racial background sexual orientation marital or parental status pregnant/breastfeeding sex age disability transgender status as a carer
Discrimination At school You also have a right not to be harassed at school (by teachers, staff or other students) Harassment is any form of behaviour that is not wanted or asked for and that humiliates, offends or intimidates you. The NSW Anti-Discrimination Board