Presentation on “Identify the components of the computer” Prepared by: Mohammad Ali Barhoum University ID ,Division 102 Submitted to the Engineer: Rasha Atallah
All the basic components in the computer depend on each other in the implementation of the work performed by the computer. For example, all parts of the device depends on the power supply Power supply plugged your electric rates by an appropriate power of the process will be executed.
Process requires the assembly components of the computer to identify first on some parts as follows: CAS and the Power supplyThe CAS and the Power supply Often sold the Case PAL Power supply its own and that they are dealing with them on a single entity CAS and Power supply
The basic function of the Case is to work on keeping all the components of a computer in one place while providing ventilation to reduce heat generated in the components of the device while doing the work.
And is the Power supply which is sold with the performance of Case two main functions: first the distribution of electricity to all components of the device The second function performed by the Power supply is to work on the cooling temperature and cooling temperature of other components within the Case and through the use of the fan located in the Power supply
Baseboard Motherboard Is considered the main part that installs in the Case and appends the rest of the parts, components and parts are mounted on the Motherboard directly, such as processor Pentium III or Athlon, or any other type of the CPU or the RAM.. Can also be installed on the Motherboard before installing into the Case
CPU Is the mastermind of the computer where implemented and control while you are running on the computer operating systems or software. And speed of the CPU is the largest factor affecting the overall performance of the computer, therefore, most computers take their name from the speed of the CPU where velocities ranging between MHz400 and more than MHz1000.
RAM Buffer and rapid, which can in which the CPU to access information and data you need to implement the program. And unit of measure is its own Mega bytes (the equivalent of millions of units to take action). Latest developments and commercial, dubbed RAM BUS is expensive and is used only in the case of the implementation of complex business on the hardware
Hard Drives Is one of the most important components on your computer where you can store a large amount of data and information as well as he can read the information and data faster than other storage devices, including the CD-ROM or DVD-ROM or the Wal Tap drives Floppy drives
Modem Gives the computer the ability to connect to other devices via phone lines and also means access to the Internet or World Wide Web.