Open, Scalable Real-Time Solutions Intel Core 2 Duo to Quad processor up to 5 VIRTEX II Pro FPGA board RT-LAB, SIMULINK, RTW, XILINX SG compatible QNX or REDHAWKS LINUX for hard real-time Model loop time as low as 10 us (100 kHz update rate) Compact and robust case 17’’ x 16’’ x 4U IO sections for four OPXI IO format available on the back of chassis Up to 128 fast DIO and 16-bit AD and DA channels Integrated signal conditioning up to +/-16 V, 5 mA HIL, Rapid Control Prototyping and FPGA Development System System RT-LAB Wanda Box Powerful, Reconfigurable Compactand modular design Powerful, Reconfigurable Compact and modular design 16 inches cm 7 inches 17.8 cm 17 inches 43.2 cm
Wanda Box,Overview Key Features Intel Core 2 Duo to Quad processor with up to 5 VIRTEX II Pro FPGA RT-LAB, SIMULINK, RTW, XILINX SG compatible Compact and robust case 17’’ x 16’’ x 4U Computer Section ATX mother board with up to four Intel Core 2 Duo to Quad processor, One OP5110 XILINX FPGA board for IO management QNX or REDHAWK LINUX POSIX RTOS IO Section Capacity of four IO carriers to create many IO configurations using 16-channel high-speed IO modules: –Up to 128ch of Opto-isolated DIO –Up to 128ch of DAC(5ma) or ADC 16-ch. A/D modules,16-bit 2-us total sampling time 16-ch. D/A modules, 16-bit, 1us update time. Optional additional OP5130 FPGA boards for fast model execution and control prototyping. Auto Switching Isolated power supply for IO. Allow individual +-18V available for each slot. Front View Rear View Computer Section IO Section
Wanda Box, PC Section The PC section can accommodate many ATX motherboard and SBC. 1)ATX Power supply, 500W 120/240V ATX PS with 12V input available 2)FAN and removable filter for cooling 3)Intel Core 2 Duo to Quad Full length Single Board Computer 4)PWR and reset in the front
Wanda Box, IO Section The IO section gives access to remote IO using OP5130 OR OP IO. 1)Removable IO BOX for up to four OPXI IO Carrier 2)+/-18V DCDC Power supply 3)Fan/Blower for carrier cooling 4)Leds for power monitoring 5)Backplane for carriers inter- connection between OP5110 and OPXI IO Carrier