Measuring improvement in outcomes for children and young people Jim Magee and Ruth Talbot Knowledge for Improvement project
I To review the way we measure progress against the ECM outcomes and aims Why bother? 5 Outcomes and aims are very powerful but feedback suggests there are problems with the indicators beneath them: not all outcome-focused not all available at a local level outcomes - uneven coverage age ranges - uneven coverage Knowledge needs - rationale
Knowledge needs - action 4 linked pieces of work: 1. Develop a set of descriptors to clarify the aims and highlight their most important aspects 2. Use the descriptors to develop a more complete set of outcome-focused population indicators 3. Work with inspectorates and local authorities to refine the existing set of performance measures 4. Ensure that quality data is available to underpin the indicators and measures and allow breakdown of outcomes for vulnerable groups
Progress Draft set of population indicators developed Tested and refined in a series of focus groups Overwhelmingly positive reaction – reflects direction of travel of a number of partners Agreement from inspectorates to work together on performance measures Approval from Ministers to continue with development work
Population indicators Long list of 50 proposed population indicators in total, with a good spread across the five outcomes 3 would be used twice c. 35% currently available nationally and locally c. 30% currently available at national level only c. 15% would be totally new, most coming from surveying CYP c. 20% are not fully defined or need further investigation
Next steps Produce a hierarchy of indicators Assess the feasibility of implementing the proposed set of population indicators Develop a business case Reflect work on outcomes for parents Drafting of guidance to accompany redraft Costed proposals to Ministers
Discussion Thoughts/comments on the work Views on how the refreshed framework could be used to help move towards outcome focused, child-based working Comments on issues that the guidance accompanying the refreshed framework will need to address Barriers that will need to be overcome to implement the refreshed framework
Contacts Jim Magee Ruth Talbot