VirtualizationAll-In-OneUpgrades Technical Consulting IntegrationSolution Manager
All-In-One Upgrades Consulting Integration SolMan SAP Virtualization eXperts VMware virtualization technology enables customer to realize immediate cost benefits, while deploying business continuity strategies which would otherwise be too costly to develop and implement. CONTINUE Reduced Hardware, Software, & Maintenance Cost Cost to Implement HA and DR Strategy Significantly Reduced Reduced Time and Cost to Implement Increased Flexibility
All-In-One Upgrades Consulting Integration SolMan SAP Virtualization eXperts Understanding your current environment, future needs, and goals is critical to successfully virtualizing your SAP environment. CONTINUE What is your Unique Situation?What is the Project’s Vision? Project Timeline Budget What is your current SAP environment? Are you currently running any virtualization? Are you also pursuing an SAP Upgrade at the same time? Is your Datacenter running out of space, power, or cooling? Less servers to maintain? More flexible CPU & storage configuration? High Availability? Disaster Recovery? Data Backup? Allow for growth with minimized cost?
All-In-One Upgrades Consulting Integration SolMan SAP Virtualization eXperts DATAXSTREAM is a specialized team that understands the unique requirements of SAP, and can successfully translate and implement those requirements into a virtualized landscape.