Reasons for Settlement I will be showing a reason for settlement and you and your partner will be deciding whether it is Political, Economic, Religious or Social. Once done, you will copy onto your foldable.
Name that Reason Pilgrims/Separatists – wanted to separate from the Church of England (Anglican Church) settled in Plymouth, Massachusetts Puritans - Wanted to purify the Anglican Church of corruption; settled in Massachusetts Bay Religious
Name that Reason Colonization increased English Power by limiting the spread of other European Countries. Political
Name that Reason Georgia was a military buffer for England to Spanish Florida Political Georgia was established as a haven (Safe Place) for debtors to allow them to avoid prison by working as indentured servants for 5-7 years Social
Name that Reason Escape Persecution; Find Religious Freedom Religious
Name that Reason Wanted to exercise more political freedom by making laws and choosing representative – example; town hall meetings Political
Name that Reason Mercantilism – Use the colonies as a way to make money Economic
Name that Reason Limited Social Mobility in England – example; “Born poor, Die Poor” Social
Name that Reason Limited Social Mobility in England – example; “Born poor, Die Poor” Social
Name that Reason Virginia – Established as a business venture, economy was based on tobacco Economic
Name that Reason Virginia - House of Burgesses - first representative assembly in English colonies Plymouth/Pilgrims – wrote the Mayflower Compact establishing self- government Thomas Hooker -helped establish Connecticut - wrote The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut, first written constitution in the English colonies Political
Name that Reason Catholics wanted to practice freely, settled mainly in Maryland Rhode Island Established as a colony practicing true religious tolerance – all religions welcomed William Penn founded Pennsylvania as a haven for Quakers Religious
Name that Reason Unemployed farmers could own their own land Social
Name that Reason Investors formed Joint stock companies to form colonies where part of the profit went to the King and part to the investors. Economic
Name that Reason Dutch surrendered New Netherlands to the English which eliminated Dutch from North America – Later named New York Political
Jamestown, Plymouth or Both I will give you a characteristic, you and your partner will need to decide if I am describing Jamestown, Plymouth or Both Once decided, you will need to add these to your review foldable.
Jamestown, Plymouth or Both Established in 1607 Jamestown
Jamestown, Plymouth or Both Founded for Religious Reasons Plymouth
Jamestown, Plymouth or Both Large Plantations for growing cash crops, specifically tobacco. Jamestown
Jamestown, Plymouth or Both Chartered by the Virginia Company Both
Jamestown, Plymouth or Both Founded mainly for Economic Reasons Jamestown
Jamestown, Plymouth or Both Established Self/Representative Governments Both
Jamestown, Plymouth or Both Established in 1620 Plymouth
Jamestown, Plymouth or Both Located in what is now Virginia Jamestown
Jamestown, Plymouth or Both Mayflower Compact Plymouth
Jamestown, Plymouth or Both In what is now Massachusetts Plymouth
Jamestown, Plymouth or Both Had a difficult Start Both
Which Region I will show you three statements, you will decide which goes with which region. Once again, when correctly identified, We will add to the review foldable
Which Region is which Colonies included: __New England___ Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts __Middle________ New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware __Southern__________ Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia
Which Region is which Geography: ___Southern_____ Appalachian Mountains, Atlantic Coastal Plain, fertile soils, good harbors (Charleston) and rivers ___New England________ Appalachian Mountains, Boston harbor, hilly terrain, rocky soil, jagged coastline, timber ___Middle_______ Appalachian Mountains, harbors (New York) and bays, wide and deep rivers, great soil for grains, hills and Valleys
Which Region is which Climate: _Middle_____ Mild winters, warm summers and moderate climate __Southern___________ Humid climate with mild winters and hot summers __New England___________ Moderate summers, cold winters
Which Region is which Resources: Natural ___New England_______ timber, fish, furs, deep harbors ___Middle_______ rich farmlands, rivers, iron, timber ___Southern________ fertile farmlands, rivers, harbors
Which Region is which Resources: Human ____Middle_____ unskilled and skilled workers, fishermen ____Southern______ farmers, enslaved African Americans ___New England____ skilled craftsmen, shopkeepers, shipbuilders
Which Region is which Primary Economy __Southern_____ Tobacco, rice, cotton, indigo, forest products (lumber, tar, pitch) ___Middle_________ Livestock, grains, fish __New England________ Fishing, shipbuilding, naval supplies, metal tools and equipment
Which Region is which Social and Religious Life: __Southern________ Plantations (slavery), mansions, indentured servants, fewer cities, fewer schools, many followed the Church of England __New England________ Village and church were centers of life; consisted mainly of Religious reformers (Puritans) and separatists (Pilgrims) __Middle__________ Villages and cities; Varied and diverse lifestyles; Diverse religions
Which Region is Which
Check that Vocabulary Link to vocabulary practice: Non-Academic testing Vocabulary
Review the Following passage The Trustees intend to relieve such unfortunate persons as cannot subsist here [in England], and establish them in an orderly manner...they will defray the charge of their passage to Georgia...till such time as they can build their houses. By such a colony many families who would otherwise starve will be provided for. -James Oglethorpe, Georgia, 1733 Let’s look for clues…. What reason is this describing? Social
Let’s try again…. It will be a service to the Church of great consequence to carry the Gospel into those parts of the world...All other churches of Europe are brought to desolation...but that God has provided this place to be a refuge for many whom he means to save... -John Winthrop, Reasons for Puritan Migration, 1629 What clues can you find in this one? What Reason is this? Religious
Let’s try again…. “This will enterprise will employ many skilled men who can bring great wealth to the nation” Richard Hakluyt, Discourse of Western Planting,1584 What clues can you find in this one? What Reason is this? Economic
And Finally, what about this one??? “…We, whose names are underwritten, the Loyal Subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord King James, … Having undertaken for the Glory of God, and Advancement of the Christian Faith, and the Honour of our King and Country, a Voyage to plant the first Colony in the northern Parts of Virginia” Pilgrim leaders aboard the Mayflower, Mayflower Compact, 1620 What clues can you find in this one? What Reason is this? (Best Answer!!!!) Political