The Mass Media and the Political Agenda Chapter 6
Introduction High-tech politics: Mass Media: A politics in which the behavior of citizens and policymakers and the political agenda itself are increasingly shaped by technology. Mass Media: Television, radio, newspapers, magazines, the Internet and other means of popular communication. Why is it called mass media?
The Mass Media Today Candidates must effectively communicate their message. They attempt to control media by limiting what they can report on to carefully scripted events. Media Events: Events purposely staged for the media that nonetheless look spontaneous. Media events can be staged by almost anybody. Ads and media appearance 60% of campaign spending on T.V. ads. Presidents devote energy to media appearance.
The Development of Media Politics Introduction: Newspapers dominated the early coverage of politics. Radio 1920s, changed mass communication FDR broadcasted “fireside-chats” to a depressed nation. Press Conferences Presidential meetings with reporters. Prior to FDR, the president was rarely directly questioned by the media. FDR held many press conferences and worked the reporters. Television 1950s, began playing a bigger role in politics.
The Development of Media Politics Introduction continued: Until the late 1960s, press and politicians had good relationship. This changed with the events of the Vietnam War and Watergate scandal. Press began using investigative journalism Investigative journalism- the use of detective-like reporting methods to uncover scandals.
The Development of Media Politics The Print Media: Newspapers and magazines 1st amendment gave print media power to reveal government problems. 1840s, telegraph allowed stories to move around the country faster. Most Americans read daily newspapers largely produced by the Associated Press The rise of television news has led to declining circulation rates of newspapers and magazines. Newspaper readers are better informed and more likely to vote.
The Development of Media Politics
The Development of Media Politics The Broadcast Media: Broadcast media has replaced print media as America’s principal source of news and info. Television and Radio The 1950s and 60s gave rise to the T.V. Nixon and JFK debates (visual power of television) Vietnam War (true nature of war) Growth in cable news allows television to bring news as it happens. “I will believe in when I see it.”
The Development of Media Politics Government Regulation of the Broadcast Media The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulates the use of airwaves. Narrowcasting: Cable TV and the Internet Media programming on cable TV or the Internet that is focused on one topic and aimed at a particular audience Allows people who are not interested in politics & government to avoid it all together. Creates political information gap.
The Development of Media Politics Private control of the media: Journalism is big business in America Only a small number of TV stations are publicly owned in America. (PBS) The private media is totally dependent on advertising revenues. Chains consist of massive media conglomerates that control almost three-quarters of the nation’s daily newspaper circulation as well as broadcast media.
Reporting the News The reporting of the news is greatly shaped by the need for profits. Edward J. Epstein’s News from Nowhere looked at how the news is produced: Epstein found that in pursuit of high ratings, news shows are tailored to a fairly low level of audience sophistication. Complicated stories out! Entertaining stories in!.....
Reporting the News Finding the News Beats: Specific locations from which news frequently emanates, such as Congress or the White House. Trial Balloons: An intentional news leak for the purpose of assessing the political reaction. Reporters and their sources depend on each other - one for stories, the other to get them out
Reporting the News Presenting the News Superficial describes most news coverage today Sound Bites: Short video clips of approximately 15 seconds. Figure 6.2: The avg. length of time presidential candidates was shown speaking uninterrupted on evening news 1968-2000.
Reporting the News Bias in the News Many people believe the news favors one point of view over another. Generally are not very biased along liberal / conservative lines. Generally are biased towards what will draw the largest audience. People like violence, conflict, disaster…..this is why news always seems bad.
Reporting the News
The News and Public Opinion Studies indicate that media seems to have the least effect in terms of direct impacts, such as how people vote. However, television news can impact what people think is important. The media influence the criteria by which the public evaluates political leaders.
The Media’s Agenda-Setting Function Policy Agenda: The issues that attract the serious attention of public officials and other people actively involved in politics at the time. Policy Entrepreneurs: People who invest their political “capital” in an issue. These political activists depend heavily on the media to get their ideas placed on higher government agenda. They attempt to convey a long-term, positive image via the media.
Understanding the Mass Media The Media and the Scope of Government: The media has a watchdog can restrict politicians. They are highly skeptical of new proposals. However, reporters also focus on injustice in society which encourages a larger scope of government. Because they ask the government what they will do about the problem.
Understanding the Mass Media Individualism in the Media The rise of television broadcasting has reinforced and furthered individualism in the American political process. Candidates can run on their own. Leads to more focus on one person like the POTUS, than Congress and the courts. Democracy and the Media “Information is the fuel of democracy.” However, the rise of the “information society” has not brought about the rise of the informed society.