Internews Network’s U-Media Project Strengthening Independent Media in Ukraine
U-Media Project USAID-funded 3 years October 1, 2008 – September 30, 2011 $6,000,000
Main purpose To help consolidate democratic governance in Ukraine by developing a more professional media to better perform its oversight and public service role.
Three major objectives and resource allocation Media fulfill public service oversight role and provide useful, reliable and objective news and information – 60%; Media laws approach European standards – 10%; Robust media-sector NGOs function in the professional interests of independent media - 30%.
Major priorities New Media Media Literacy Media Monitoring Investigative Journalism Ethics
Priorities continued… Key media legislation reform Destatization UT1 transformation to public broadcaster, while protecting private media interests
Other key considerations Innovation Partnerships Building new coalitions Regional support Media and civil society
The process Annual Program Statement Concept Papers Proposals Implementation Website! Contact: