U. S. Civil War 1 st Modern War in History 1861—1865
I. The U.S. Civil War ► Was the first to use the items listed on the following slides on a mass scale ► Modern Militaries reflect these “firsts” Although more Technically Advanced All trace their roots back to the Civil War
A. Rifled Muskets ► The two main rifled muskets of the war were: North—1861 Springfield South—Whitworth
1861 Springfield, Union Whitworth, Confederate
B. Machine Guns ► There were several different types of machine guns used during the war: Billinghurst-Requa Williams Breech Load Machine Gun Gatling Gun (most successful)
Williams Breech Load Machine Gun
► Gatling Gun—Still the fastest machine gun in U.S. Army
C. Rifled Canons
D. Submarines ► Both the Union and the Confederacy used submarine warfare Neither was greatly successful Both sunk But the paved the way for future uses
U.S.S. Alligator
C.S.S. Hunley
E. Exploding Artillery Shells
F. Aerial Observation ► Use of hot air balloons allowed better tactical information for field generals
G. Electronic Communication ► Civil War was the first war that electronic communication was used Telegraph
H. Rail Roads ► The Civil War was the first war where RxR’s were utilized to move: Troops Supplies
I. Iron Ships ► The Civil War saw the first use of Iron Clad and all Iron Ships The Battle of Hampton Roads was the first naval battle between two iron ships
U.S.S. Monitor v. C.S.S. Virginia, Sewel Point, Va March
C.S.S. Virginia, formerly the C.S.S. Merrimack
Monitor Class Union Warship
J. Photography ► The Civil War was the first war that used photographic images directly from the battle field Most famous photographer of the time was ► Matthew B. Brady
K. Conscription ► The Civil War saw Conscription (Draft) being used to mandate military service
L. Total War Effort ► Economy of the entire country is dedicated to winning the war ► Federal Income Tax collected to pay for the war effort ► Every citizen was expected to do what they could to help the military
M. DESTROY!!! ► Destroy the enemies ability to make war: Destroy: ► Food ► Factories ► Fields
M. DESTROY!!!, cont. Destroy ► Livestock ► Cities, towns ► Transportation Systems ► Communication Systems ► Shops, Homes