Identification of national S&T priority areas with respect to the promotion of innovation and economic growth: the case of Russia Alexander Sokolov State.


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Presentation transcript:

Identification of national S&T priority areas with respect to the promotion of innovation and economic growth: the case of Russia Alexander Sokolov State University – Higher School of Economics

Selecting S&T Priorities: Russia ’ s Experience Government Commission on Scientific and Technological Policies approved a list of 8 Priority Areas for S&T Development and 70 Critical Technologies of Federal Importance this list was submitted to a large-scale examination by more than 1,000 leading Russian experts Russian President approved Basic Policies of the Russian Federation in the Sphere of S&T Development, 9 Priority S&T Areas and 52 Critical Technologies

Critical technologies (2002) lack of strictly defined criteria for selecting and formulating priorities actual expansion despite formal reduction too big and sector-specific areas covered: “Prospecting, extraction, refinement and pipeline transportation of oil and gas” “Coal mining and procession” et al almost everything is priority

Revision of S&T priorities: objectives Developing criteria for evaluation of technologies Analyzing components of existing critical technologies Identifying areas with the greatest innovation promise Revised lists of priorities and critical technologies together with recommendations on their use Evaluating the innovation capacity of critical technologies Proposal for practical implementation

Revision of S&T priorities: main criteria · capacity for enhancing Russia ’ s national security, including its technological security · contribution to accelerating GDP growth and enhancing competitiveness of Russia ’ s national economy

Revision of S&T priorities: other criteria Precise and accurate formulation Detailed description of breakthrough technologies Applications in different sectors, generation of new research areas Conditions for fast practical implementation. Amount of investment necessary for industrial application of technologies Probable risks Applicability for implementation in the framework of public programs

Revision of S&T priorities: practical implementation Availability of technological developments ready for application, their novelty and competitiveness Stage of development (research, technology, patent, samples, business plan, market research, etc.) Availability of technological developments ready for application, their novelty and competitiveness Stage of development (research, technology, patent, samples, business plan, market research, etc.) · Potential users among firms in rapidly developing industrial sectors · Workforce potential – researchers and skilled labor force in the industrial sectors where application is most likely · Availability of the necessary production facilities

Revision of S&T priorities: procedure  Proposals from government agencies Expert survey 1 – innovation products Expert panels – critical technologies Expert survey 2 – innovation potential of critical technologies

A revised list of S&T priorities 1. Information and telecommunications systems 2. Nanosystems industry and materials 3. Living systems 4. Rational nature utilization 5. Power engineering and energy saving 6. Safety and terrorism counteraction 7. Prospective armaments, military and special equipment

Information technologies and electronics Information and telecommunication technologies and electronics Information and telecommunication systems New materials and chemical technologies Nanosystems industry and materials TransportationNew transportation technologies Manufacturing technologies Living systems technologies Living systems Ecology and rational nature utilization Rational nature utilization Fuel and power engineeringEnergy saving technologiesPower engineering and energy saving Prospective armaments, military and special equipment Space and aviation technologies Safety and counteracting terrorism Evolution of priorities

S&T Evaluation in Russia: S&T Evaluation in Russia: National level Annual report of the Government to the President « Major directions of government policies in the field of science and technology development » Performance based budgeting: strategic goals for the 3-year period, relevant national and sectoral programs, and a complex system of target indicators Evaluation of critical technologies

S&T Evaluation in Russia: Program S&T Evaluation in Russia: Program level Evaluation of the National S&T Program and other S&T-related programs Evaluation of particular priority areas (implementation of program tasks, results achieved, socio-economic impact, target indicators) Evaluation of the budget S&T foundations

S&T Evaluation in Russia: Project S&T Evaluation in Russia: Project level Applications for research projects within S&T programs Evaluation of results achieved: mostly based on independent peer reviews, publication and citation analysis (RFBR)

S&T Evaluation in Russia: Institutional S&T Evaluation in Russia: Institutional level Evaluation of State Research Centers: monitoring major indicators of SRCs ’ activities (budget and non-budget R&D funding, quality of research personnel, fixed assets, R&D output, commercialization of research results, etc.)

S&T evaluation: government initiatives a complex system of S&T evaluation harmonized indicators for international comparisons tailor-made statistical surveys Russian citation index information system for evaluation

Building of a complex national evaluation system Institutions (R&D units, universities, enterprises, SMEs, innovation infrastructure) Levels: individual scientists, research teams, sectors of economy, regions etc Stages of innovation cycle: basic research, applied research, technology transfer, innovation activities

Harmonized system of indicators Integrated indicators Basic indicators of S&T output Indicators reflecting impact of S&T on societal development

Integrated indicators global positioning of national S&T and innovation S&T specialization competitiveness science intensity of sectors of economy high-tech contribution in GDP and job creation

Basic indicators of S&T and innovation output S&T output – bibliometrics (publications, citation, S&T specialization indices), inventions, IPR (patenting, patent citation, etc); creation of science-intensive technologies Technology commercialization; IP utilization Technology transfer (licenses, TBP, technology specialization index, etc) Innovation output Innovation production and services by novelty level, competitiveness, return from innovation, organization, marketing and other types of innovation, impact on production development, share of high-tech in export

Indicators reflecting impact of S&T on societal development Public awareness and acceptance of S&T role in socio-economic development Social status of S&T activities Contribution to education development Scientific literacy of population Innovation in households