Solids, Liquids, and Gases By: Mrs. Trejo’s First Grade Class East Heritage Elementary
States Of Matter Solid Liquid Gases
Solids Definite size and shape Heat changes it to a liquid Example: ice-cube, rock, table
Liquids Liquids Definite amount Definite amount Not a definite shape Not a definite shape Flows easily Flows easily Heat changes it to a gas Heat changes it to a gas Freezing changes it to a solid Freezing changes it to a solid Example: water, milk, juice Example: water, milk, juice
Gases No definite size or shape Spread out freely Can be squashed Cooling it changes it to a liquid Example: air, helium, water vapor
Fun Facts Balloons, bubbles, and a ball have gases in them. Water is the only substance that can be a solid, liquid, and a gas.
Were You Listening 1. What are the three states of matter? 2. What has a definite size and shape? 3. What has a definite amount, but not a definite shape? 4. What has no definite size or shape? 5. How does a solid change to a liquid? 6. How does a liquid change to a gas? 7. How does a liquid change to a solid? 8. How does a gas change to a liquid?
I Got This From California Science Content Standards First Grade Science Standards Hebrew website hot-air-balloon.jpg hot air balloon Picture of solid to a liquid, a liquid to a gas, and all the states of matter Dvorak Uncensored blog/?m= picture of an ice cube