Battles and Fronts World War I
Battle of Verdun Lasted 11 months! February – December 1916 Surprise attack by Germans French managed to hold them off: “they shall not pass”---- VERY SYMBOLIC for the French! 300,000+ soldiers died on both sides aps_verdun.html
Battle of Somme 1916 in France Planned by French & British to take pressure off Verdun Lasted 5 months 1 million+ soldiers died total Single worst day for British casualties in history- 20,000 killed, 40,000 wounded. r/maps/maps_somme.html r/maps/maps_somme.html
Battle of Ypres June 1917 in Ypres, Belgium – right over French border Led by the British, attacked the Germans 500,000+ soldiers died on both sides No real territory was gained Wettest fall in years – mud like quick sand maps/maps_ypres.html maps/maps_ypres.html
Russians were unprepared for battle (many had no rifles) Major uprisings back home led to a bread riot in March 1917 Russian czar & his family were overthrown Bolshevik Revolution took place Lenin came to power & removed Russian troops from the war in 1918 Brest-Litovsk Treaty was signed with Germany In the East (Russian Front)
Italy signed a secret treaty with the Allies to gain Austrian lands where Italians lived Major battle at Caporetto in 1917 Central powers attacked Italians Italians were unprepared to fight; many ran away Later French & British saved the day In the South
Italy signed a secret treaty with the Allies to gain Austrian lands where Italians lived Major battle at Caporetto in 1917 Central powers attacked Italians Italians were unprepared to fight; many ran away Later French & British saved the day In the South
Japan allied with England Took German colonies in China & other Pacific islands (after the war) Led to many problems in the future Tensions heightened between China and Japan China sympathized with the Allies, but they hated Japan, so they hesitated to declare war and join up with the Allies Germany was also courting China Japan declared themselves the protectors of China, rather than the enemies So China declared war and joined the Allies In the Far East
The Ottoman Empire Allied with the Central Powers Turks closed off the Dardanelles Strait (Russia) In 1915 massive allied forces (Britain, Australian, New Zealand, & Canada) were sent to open the strait Battle of Gallipoli ensued Lasted 10 months 200,000 casualties (mostly Allied forces) Allies eventually withdrew s_gallipoli.html
In the Middle East Arab nations revolted against the Ottomans (saw weakness & opportunity) The Allies aided the Arabs in their revolt T.E. Lawrence (aka “Lawrence of Arabia”) led them in guerrilla warfare against the Turks Allies & Arabs won vast amounts of land, including Baghdad
Lusitania was attacked in 1915 In 1916, Germany resumes unrestricted warfare (attacking ships with submarines) Zimmerman note is sent & received in 1917 A telegram from Germany offering Mexico territory from the US (after they win) if they will join Germany to help defeat the Allies US intercepts and decodes telegram US declares war in April 1917 Eventually 2+ million Americans went to war Wilson: “make the world safe for democracy” Wilson: “war to end war” Wilson proposed the 14 Points In the United States
Russian troops pull out of the war, Central powers focus on western front Huge offensive led by Central powers in spring 1918 – push Allies 40 miles back towards Paris With influx of American soldiers, Germany realizes they can’t win by September 1918 Kaiser Wilhelm II flees in November 1918 Armistice Day: 11/11/1918 at 11:00am The War Shifts