Specialists, Pathology, Diagnostics, & Treatments Skeletal system Specialists, Pathology, Diagnostics, & Treatments
Bone type Doctors Orthopedist Chiropractor Aka orthopedic surgeon Chiropractor Specializes in manipulative treatment Doctor of Osteopathic medicine (DO) Manipulative treatment and traditional medicine Podiatrist Specializes in diagnosing and treating foot disorders Rheumatologist Specialize in diagnosis and treatment of connective tissue disorders
Joint Disorders Ankylosis Arthralgia Arthrosclerosis Bursitis Chondroma Chondromalacia Hallux valgus Aka bunion
Joint Disorders Luxation Synovitis Arthritis Aka dislocation of a bone from its joint Subluxation-partial dislocation Synovitis Arthritis Plain Jane Osteo Gouty-formation of uric acid crystals in the joint Rheumatoid (RA) Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (juvenile RA)
Spine disorders Ruptured/herniated disk Lumbago Spondylitis-inflammation of the vertebrae Spondylolisthesis-the forward movement of the body of one of the lower lumbar vertebra on the vertebra below it slipping of vertebra Spondylosis – Degenerative condition of the vertebrae
Spine disorders Spina Bifida Congenital condition The spinal canal fails to close around the spinal cord Many cases caused by a lack of folic acid during the early stages of pregnancy
Curvatures Kyphosis-outward curvature of the thoracic spine Lordosis-abnormal increase in the forward curvature of the lumbar spine Scoliosis-abnormal sideways curvature of the spine
Bone disorders Osteitis Osteomalacia-abnormal softening of bones due to disease Osteomyelitis-inflammation of bone and bone marrow Osteonecrosis-death of bone tissue Osteoporosis Osteitis deformans Paget’s disease Disease of unknown cause characterized by bone destruction followed by abnormal bone repair
Periostitis Rickets Exostosis-benign growth on the surface of a bone
Bone disorders Talipes aka clubfoot Tumors Ewing’s Sarcoma Myeloma Osteochondroma Leukemia Lymphoma Exostosis – benign growth on the surface of a bone
Bone Fractures Aka Fx Crepitus Colles’ Greenstick Comminuted-crushed or splintered bone Compression Stress Spiral
Closed Aka simple Transverse Oblique Open Aka compound
Tumors of Bones Ewing’s sarcoma Myeloma Osteochondroma Family of malignant tumors Most frequently affects children or adolescents May spread rapidly to other body sites Myeloma A malignant tumor composed of cells derived from blood- forming tissues of the bone marrow Usually progressive, often fatal Osteochondroma Most common benign bone tumor Growths on the surface that protrude as hard lumps covered with a cap of cartilage
Diagnostic procedures Arthrocentesis Surgical puncture of joint space to remove fluid Arthroscopy Visual exam of the internal structure of a joint Bone Density Test (BDT) Use of radiation to determine bone density Used for suspected osteoporosis, osteomalacia, & Paget’s disease Bone Marrow Biopsy (BMB) Inserting a sharp needle into the hipbone or sternum and removing bone marrow cells Used to determine why blood cells are abnormal Also used to fine a donor match for bone marrow transplant
Diagnostic procedures Bone scan Use of nuclear medicine to detect bone cancer and osteomyelitis Dual x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) Low-exposure radiographic measurement that is most often used to detect early signs of osteoporosis Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Used to image soft tissue structures Radiographs aka x-rays Used to visualize fractured bones
Treatments and Surgeries Bone Bone marrow transplant- used to treat leukemia Autologous-originating within an individual Allogenic-originating within another
Joints Arthroscopic surgery Synovectomy Arthrodesis-suturing or wiring together of bones Arthrolysis-surgical loosening of an ankylosed joint Periosteotomy Arthroplasty-surgical repair or replacement of a damaged joint Joint replacement Bursectomy?
Treatments and Surgeries Spinal Column Diskectomy Percutaneous diskectomy-through the skin Laminectomy Fusion Head Craniectomy Craniotomy? Cranioplasty? Page 55
Treatments and Surgeries Other bone terms Osteoclasis Surgical fx of a bone to correct a deformity Ostectomy Osteoplasty Osteorraphy
External-removed once healed Fx repair Manipulation-an attempt to return an affected bone to it normal alignment by manually applied forces Traction Immobilization Fixation Internal-not removed External-removed once healed