Team: 1/C Campbell, 1/C Lewis, 1/C Londoño, 1/C Smythe, 1/C Mayer, 1/C Dedinger
ParkinsonSAT - USNA PRIMARY MISSION Satellite for data exfoliation ODTML for DOD ocean buoys Remote sensor data in the Amateur Satellite Service A comms transponder in continuation of PCSat Mission Educational transponder support for other schools and universities SECONDARY MISSION Support the MiDN experiment Measure radiation levels in orbit using dosimeter Support a UHF RFI mitigation receiver Locate and identify interference to Navy UHF satellites Support SPID Small Particle Impact Detector (former LADD-C project)
ParkinsonSAT - USNA
UHF RFI Mitigation Experiment
ParkinsonSAT – Configuration Management/Documentation P-SAT Design Paper- Campbell Requirements and Verification Document- Londoño P-SAT Frequency Request Form- Londoño Specification Document- Londoño Interface Control Documents ODTML- Okun SPID- Campbell UHF-RFI- Lindsay
ParkinsonSAT – Drawing List Drawing Number: Name: Description ASSEMBLY DRAWINGS NA-PK- SY-A - Bulkhead Assembly 4 Bulkheads Mated NA-PK-SY-A- Sidepanel Assembly 4 Panels Mated NA-PK-SY-A-Antenna mountAntennas mounted on cube NA-PK-SY-A- ODTML Assembly Box assembled Summary of Drawings: Assembly(4) Side-Panel (12) Bulkhead (8) Antenna (2) EPS (5) Comms (6) MIDN (3) ODTML (3) ADCS (3) RFI (3) Sep (2) Propulsion (2) Transponder (2)
ParkinsonSAT - USNA Communications Package Dual Redundant System – System A and B Desired - a structure to contain Receivers (2), Transmitter, TNC, and system control board. Structure is self-contained and capable of being used on missions other than ParkinsonSat (MidSTAR-2) Progress: Developed initial concept for box structure
ParkinsonSAT - USNA Comms Transponder Box - Initial Concept
ParkinsonSAT - USNA Side 1 Receivers (2) Transmitter Interference/Control Board
ParkinsonSAT - USNA Side 2 TNC Mechanism for Securing TNC Interference connectors
ParkinsonSAT - USNA Thermal Control: Heat Sink transfer to frame Thermal compound to satellite structure Black anodized
ParkinsonSAT - USNA Ideas model Connectors Wiring harness Vibrations Test Preparation for Space: Staking components Conformal coating Still to do:
ParkinsonSAT–Sun Pointing Design Sides Panel Cost=$200 Top Panel Cost=$9000
Pointing requirements are relaxed +/- 40 deg High precision vector math not required Paquette ODTML off (4.5 W) ODTML on (18W) ParkinsonSAT-Sun Pointing Attitude Control System
ParkinsonSAT - USNA PC Sat Panel $20/watt EMCOR University Cells $500/watt
ParkinsonSAT - USNA Separation Device
ParkinsonSAT - Structure Battery Cells Internal Bulkhead Solar Panel NEA Location Payload Bay
ParkinsonSAT – Satellite Health Major System Health Telemetry Beacons
ParkinsonSAT – Telemetry Schematic
ParkinsonSAT – EPS Block Diagram
ParkinsonSAT– Load Requirements Current (mA) Duty CycleAvg (mA) HLSHLS VHF FM TX150027%6%2% VHF FM TX250027%6%2% VHF FM RX130100% 30 VHF FM RX230100% 30 VHF FM RX330100% 30 VHF FM RX430100% 30 TNC140100% 40 TNC240100% 40 10% Reserve Avg (mA) MiDn119100%0% ODTML625100%16%3% RFI50100%0% 5000 ADCS50020%10%5% % Reserve (payloads) Avg (mA)
ParkinsonSAT – Charging Current Isa (mA) Ie (mA) Id (mA)Id-Ie (mA) H L S
ParkinsonSAT - USNA BUDGET Solar Panels$8k for Emcor cells $2k for PCsat style cells Machining$5k Anodizing and Coatings$2k Flight Hardware$5k Proto/Test/Spares HW$10k Vib/TVAC at NRL$5k Travel (Prof. Bruninga)$3k Travel (Midshipmen)$4k Miscellaneous$2k Alumni Tax$3k ________________________________________ Total$50k
ParkinsonSAT - USNA Parts Procurement Kyocera Mini Solar Panels Purchased 30 of them, $24 each -> $720 3-Axis Magnetometer Purchased 8 of them, $55 a piece ->$440 High Speed Transmitters and Receivers Purchased 4 Xmitters, 6 Receivers, $220 a piece -> $2200
ParkinsonSAT - USNA Solar Panel Acceptance Testing Over 91% of the solar panels tested were within 3% of the voltage of the reference panel. 100% were within 5%.
ParkinsonSAT- Attitude Determination and Control CPU Controlled Uses solar panels and magnetometer to determine attitude Commands momentum wheels and magnetic torquing coils to maintain sun pointing attitude
ParkinsonSAT- 3-Axis Magnetometer 3.3V DC Field measurement range +/-1100uT Resolution as low as 0.015uT
ParkinsonSAT - USNA Testing indicates sensor has an accuracy of ± 5% for roll and pitch
ParkinsonSAT - Rabbit Core 3000 Navigation and Control Board
ParkinsonSAT - USNA
29.4Mhz Processor Programmed with Dynamic C 10 Channels 5V A2D 4 PWM Channels 5V-9V input up to 400mA 4 External Interrupts
ParkinsonSAT - USNA CPU will also be used for housekeeping and telemetry and control Log experiment data Parse telemetry into packets Command systems on or off Monitor health of satellite systems and experiments
ParkinsonSAT – ADCS Model Momentum Wheel 3-axis Magnetometer CPU Control System Telemetry System Command and Control Radio
ParkinsonSAT–RickSAT ADCS Requirements: 1.Sun Exposure 2.Minimum Torque, (long string needed) 3.Minimum Disturbances 4.Out of Reach 5.Easy Access
ParkinsonSAT- Apparatus Safety Test P-SAT Weight- 5.9kg String=rated at a 13.5 kg Double String= factor of 4 safety A-Frame Support- tested to 38 kg= factor of 6 safety
ParkinsonSAT –ADCS String test Simulation Quality Typical Disturbance Torques Gravity Gradient-2* Solar Radiation- 6* Aerodynamic- 3* Magnetic- 1* for a 2 Amp-m magnetic moment Measuring String Torsion Constant k=1.1* kg-m /sec T=k* Disturbance angle ( ) where string Torque is less than 1* is 90 deg String impact is minimal for Sun tracking within +/-90 degrees. Rickover
ParkinsonSAT - SPID S mall P article I mpact D etector
ParkinsonSAT - SPID Deployment Sequence
PSAT- S.C.I.E.N.C.E ISS S pace C ommunications I nternational E ducational N etwork C lassroom E xperience