USE Actions that started and finished in the past Examples I went to the beach last Sunday I bought a new car yesterday. Actions that happened one after the other in the past (like in a story) I went into the disco and I saw my favourite girl, then I asked her to dance,... He came in, took off his coat and sat down.
-ed for all persons Regular verbs Play played Work worked Stay stayed Listen listened
Spelling 1) Double the consonant if the verb ends in consonant-vowel-consonant and has only one syllable stop – stopped swap - swapped 2)Add only –d, when the verb ends with –e love – loved save – saved 3)Verbs ending in 'y' preceded by a consonant: Change 'y' to 'i' Then add -ed. hurry - he hurried (watch out! play – played)
The form CHANGES from infinitives Irregular verbs The form CHANGES from infinitives Examples speak spoke eat ate see saw fly flew think thought
Verb TO BE I he she it you we they were was
DID NOT + VERB (base form) Negative Sentences DID NOT + VERB (base form) Example: I did not work yesterday or I didn’t work yesterday INCORRECT: I didn’t worked
More examples: - I didn’t went on holiday last year - I didn’t go on holiday last year - I didn’t went on holiday last year
Negative Sentences verb TO BE WAS / WERE + NOT Examples I was not at school yesterday afternoon or I wasn’t at school yesterday afternoon They were not at home last weekend They weren’t at home last weekend
Yes /No Questions Did you work yesterday? DID + subject + main verb + rest of sentence ? Example Did you work yesterday? - Yes, I did. - No, I didn’t.
Yes /No Questions verb TO BE WAS / WERE + subject + rest of sentence ? Example: Were you at home last weekend? - Yes, I was. - No, I wasn’t.
REMEMBER!! Positive sentences: I played football yesterday I went home early on Saturday Negative sentences: I didn’t play football yesterday I didn’t go home early on Saturday Yes/No questions: Did you play football yesterday? Did you go home early in Saturday?
REMEMBER!! Verb TO BE Positive sentences: I was in London last year Negative sentences: They weren’t at home last weekend Yes/No questions: Were you ill yesterday?
What’s the past form? lose lost make made meet met read send sent steal stole take took teach taught think thought throw threw forget forgot give gave hear heard keep kept leave left break broke buy bought feel felt find found fly flew
How do you pronounce the –ed ending? There are three rules we should take into account to know how to pronounce the –ed ending: Rule 1: If a present tense verb ends with the sound of a voiced consonant or a vowel sound, the pronunciation in past tense is /d/ Rule 2: If the present tense verb ends with the sound of a voiceless consonant sound (f, k, s, x, sh, ch, or p), the pronunciation in past tense is /t/ Rule 3: If the present tense verb ends with the sound of /t/ or /d/ consonant sound, the pronunciation in past tense is always /id/ Note: it’s the ending sound, not spelling that determines pronunciation.
How do you say these past verbs? arrived parked landed hoped argued stayed booked hated laughed ended stopped decided talked walked listened rented liked