I flew to London yesterdayflew I’m exhausted !
We use the Simple past to express that an action started and finished at a specific time in the past. Both the interrogative and the negative form include the auxiliary verb DID (e.g. Did you fly to London?).g. When we use the auxiliary verb DID, the verb is conjugated in present (e.g. I didn’t play football last weekend)last weekend
The affirmative form: + + Example: They + gazed up + at the airplanegazed up The question form: Example: Did +you + call me + this morning?this morning? Subject Verb (Simple past) Complement DidSubject Verb (Present) Complement
The negative form: Example: We + didn’t + go + to Cartagena Negative Idid not (didn’t) Youdid not (didn’t) She/he /it did not (didn’t) Wedid not (didn’t) Theydid not (didn’t) SubjectDidn’t Verb (Present) Complement
The English language has both regular and irregular verbs. Look at the next lists and click to see the translation of each verbbothnexttranslationeach Accept Accept Advise Advise Alert Alert Ask Ask Ban Ban Burn Burn Call Call Clear Clear Command Command Decide Decide Delay Delay Extend Extend Fix Fix Follow Follow Gaze Gaze Handle Handle Identify Identify Measure Measure Offer Offer Some Regular Verbs Fly Fly Prove Prove Put Put Quit Quit Ride Ride Rise Rise Run Run Seek Seek See See Sink Sink Sleep Sleep Slide Slide Take Take Throw Throw Thrust Thrust Think Think Understand Understand Wear Wear Wake Wake Write Write Win Win Some Irregular Verbs
o Regular verbs have always the same ending (-ed)alwayssameending o Click the verbs and look at the Preterit columncolumn Accept Accept Advise Advise Alert Alert Ask Ask Ban Ban Burn Burn Call Call Clear Clear Command Command Decide Decide Delay Delay Extend Extend Fix Fix Follow Follow Gaze Gaze Handle Handle Identify Identify Measure Measure Offer Offer Prove Prove Put Put Regular Verbs
o Click the verbs and look at the preterit columncolumn Fly Fly Quit Quit Ride Ride Rise Rise Run Run Seek Seek See See Sink Sink Sleep Sleep Slide Slide Take Take Throw Throw Thrust Thrust Think Think Understand Understand Wear Wear Wake Wake Write Write Win Win
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