Macbeth Act 5.


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Presentation transcript:

Macbeth Act 5

Macbeth Act 5 Scene 1

Themes and Characters Themes: Characters: Ambition Violence Fate Nature and the Unnatural Characters: Gentlewoman Doctor Lady Macbeth

Sleepwalking Lady Remember Macbeth says he killed sleep? Apparently Lady Macbeth has been sleepwalking and doing strange things at night The doctor and gentlewomen watch LM walk by sleeping Relives her attempt to convince Macbeth to kill Duncan “Yet who would have thought the old man to have had so much blood in him?” They listen as LM relives a conversation with Macbeth after the murder of Banquo LM hears an imaginary knock and rushes to bed Doctor: “Unnatural deeds do breed unnatural troubles” The doctor can not provide a cure What was Lady Macbeth’s thoughts on the murder and blood before? Why can she not hide the murder? What is destroying her?

Macbeth Act 5 Scene 2

Themes and Characters Themes: Characters: Ambition Fate Violence Macbeth Caithness Angus Lennox

Macbeth and his Lords Lennox and the Scottish Lords that have stayed with Macbeth are debating about what to do Macbeth is going crazy Malcolm is right outside in Birnam Woods We do not support Macbeth out of love, but of fear The lords decide to join Malcolm’s army What does the mention of Birnam Forest foreshadow? Explain how Macbeth’s use of violence has turned people against him.

Macbeth Act 5 Scene 3

Themes and Characters Themes: Characters: Ambition Violence Fate Macbeth Servant Doctor

Macbeth Macbeth is not worried Macbeth feels sick at heart, what might he be feeling about his life? Can he turn back? Macbeth is not worried Birnam Wood must march to Dunsinane Malcolm is borne of a woman He does realize how cruddy his life has gotten Demands that the doctor “cure” Lady Macbeth” The doctor says “no amount of money could bring him back to Dunsinane” Does Macbeth seem in touch with reality? How is this a shot at doctors?

Group Assignments (8 Sentences Each) Describe what is happening to Lady Macbeth in this scene. Why is she so troubled? How has she changed since the beginning of the play? Does her change say anything about the theme of ambition in the play? What would you do for your ambition? How do you differ from Lady Macbeth? Choose one of the following: In this scene, Scottish rebels are discussing Macbeth. What is the metaphor they use to describe Macbeth and his role as a king? What idea does this metaphor get across and how is it effective? What do you think it takes to be a good leader? In parts of the play (2.4.1‐25) we see strange happenings. Now (5.2.30‐34) the country is described as sick and in need of medicine. Why does this metaphor work? Do the strange happenings or this current sickness say anything about Macbeth’s job as king? What does this say about kingship in general?

Macbeth Act 5 Scene 4

Themes and Characters Theme: Characters Fate Malcolm Menteith Soldier Siward Macduff

The Sealing of Macbeth’s Fate Birnam Forest: Macolom and his lords decide to cut branches off the trees to hold. This will hide their numbers What does this foreshadow for Macbeth?

Macbeth Act 5 Scene 5

Themes and Characters Themes: Characters: Ambition Fate Violence Macbeth Seyton Messenger

Macbeth’s Mindset Macbeth isn’t concerned about the coming army Laughs them off but feels bored due to his lack of fear Seyton reports that Lady Macbeth has killed herself Macbeth is told that the forest is marching Macbeth feels fear for the first time He will die fighting How has Macbeth’s actions caused him to lose his humanity? How does he react to his wife’s death? Does Macbeth seem like he is looking forward to die?

Group Assignment In your groups choose a person to deliver Macbeth’s speech after Lady Macbeth dies. Each group will be given a tone and you most convey the tone using your voice and gestures. Afterwards we will decide which tone was the most effective and why.

Macbeth Act 5 Scene 6

Themes and Characters Themes: Characters: Violence Malcolm Siward Macduff

Malcolm’s Leadership Malcolm orders the men to drop their branches and attack The first charge begins led by Macduff and Siward Take note of the length of the scenes in the latter half of Act 5. How quickly are they moving. What might this say about the nature and condition of the battle?

Macbeth Act 5 Scene 7

Themes and Characters Themes: Characters: Violence Ambition Fate Macbeth Young Siward Siward Malcolm Macduff

The Battle Macbeth finds and kills Young Siward Macduff is only worried about Macbeth Malcolm and Siward easily capture the castle What does Macduff’s need for revenge do for this for play Why are they able to do this?

Macbeth Act 5 Scene 8 FINAL SCENE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Themes and Characters Themes: Characters: All Macbeth Macduff Malcolm Siward Ross

Macbeth and Macduff Macbeth has avoided Macduff to this point Too much blood on his hands already Macbeth mocks Macduff You cant kill me, you were born of woman I was untimely ripped from my mother’s womb Macbeth now refuses to fight Macbeth: I don’t want to fight now; Macduff: Coward you will be mocked for surrendering Macduff: Bow to Malcolm; Macbeth: NEVER (He dies and has his head chopped off) Is he being honest or baiting Macduff? The second prophecy comes true How does Lady Macbeth convince Macbeth to act? How does Macduff goad Macbeth into fighting? What has Macbeth been a slave of this whole time? Sound familiar?

The End Siward is told of his son’s death Is this all he cares about? Who does he sound like? Siward is told of his son’s death Learns that he died of wounds in the front Macduff enters with Macbeth’s head Malcolm accepts the throne and makes the thanes earls He vows to heal the land What does the use of nature do here?