Agenda for Wednesday &Thursday 1/16 and 1/17 Review of William Shakespeare’s Macbeth… This week we will be reviewing for the midterm Assigned handouts for Acts 4 and 5 You were asked to read Act 5 for homework. In addition, you have been reminded to begin studying. STUDY your notes. KNOW the characters. BE FAMILIAR with the plot details, as well as major CONFLICTS and THEMES in the play. Homework: Re-Read Acts 1-5. STUDY and PREPARE for your MIDTERM! Have your notes organized (Acts 1-5) Suggested: Marginal and End of Act Questions Completed
NameDate PeriodAssign: QUIZ Acts 4-5 Tell me the sequence of events in the play HOW DOES IT END and work backwards from there I will ONLY accept BULLET POINT ANSWERS – NO SENTENCES please Minimum: 3 major plots details from Act 5 Minimum: 3 major plot details from Act 4 ANSWER KEY: 1. Macduff kills Macbeth. Macolm becomes king. 2. Lady Macbeth commits suicide….Macbeth leaves the castle – fight til the death. 3. Sleep walking Lady Macbeth – admits to the murders and “outs herself” in front of doctor and the servant. She is crazy at this point…and they are worried she is suicidal. 4. Maduff and Malcolm join forces and Macduff finds out about his family’s murder. He is enraged. Vows to kill/defeat Macbeth. 5. Lady MacDuff feels abandoned….she is warned by Ross that she is in danger. She and her family are murdered by the men sent by Macbeth. 6. Three apparitions: Armed head (MacDuff), Bloody Child (No man born of woman will hurt him), Birnam Wood moves to Dunsinane, Crowned King (Banquo’s line of sons).
Macbeth Tragic Hero vs. Villian Tragic HeroVillain Page 339 – A superior figure who comes to ruin because of an error in judgment or a weakness in character Evil and pretty much is all EVIL Goal: to ruin others Examples: Plankton, The Joker, The Bronze Kneecap, Swiper The Fox, Bane Superior Figure – High ranking in the military and the king was promoting him They are never superior…unless you are talking about their ability to do evil deeds effectively. There is no goodness in them. Error in Judgment – Trusted the witches Multiple Weakness in Character – Excessive Ego (Willingness to do ANYTHING to become more powerful) Multiple (Might also have one thing that motivates them)
Reviewing The Class Grading Policy – As Highlighted In Your Syllabus – Distributed and Signed in August, 2012 Please PRINT OUT a grade sheet. Then, highlight anything you have questions about. Come and schedule mutually convenient time to discuss (NOT during class) (NOT before or after class) I am attempting to work with you, but you must follow these procedures in order to have a productive conversation. Your inquiry must be timely. Waiting weeks and months after an assignment is due is not acceptable.
The mood that is created by these four apparitions is one of darkness and it suggests Macbeth’s death is coming soon. All four things are ways that Macbeth can be defeated. One way might be by Macduff, or someone not born of woman. It could also be the castle is conquered by Macbeth’s foes, or lastly, it might be one of Banquo’s sons that kills this vicious dictator. Armed head: Macduff is going to KILL MB Bloody child: Someone who is not born of woman will kill him Child Crowned (branch): Woods are going to MOVE – The castle is in jeopardy – MB might LOOSE Eight kings: There are people beyond just Banquo’s son that can rule before Macbeth
Midterm: WRITTEN & ORAL PRESENTATIONS Monday & Tuesday: 1/21 and 1/22 Make Up Days: 1/23 and 1/24 In addition to your written midterm exam, you have been asked to orally present 8-10 lines of the play. Have your lines selected and plan to present them (from memory) the week of 1/14 and 1/21 - as time allows. This assignment is not OPTIONAL. It is required. If you chose not to complete this portion of the exam, your exam grade will be lowered one letter grade.
The purple babies are missing! Return all signed out textbooks immediately, or you will lose class participation points on your grade! Deadline: FRIDAY The purple babies are missing because you are not bringing them back after signing them out. This is a BIG problem for you and your classmates. There are no more. If you do not return your signed out books by Friday (1/11), you will lose classwork points on your grade. Thank you for your cooperation!
Macbeth Choice Assignments Due Day of Midterm (Pds. 2-4) Tuesday: points = Macbeth Assignment Option #1: Page 435 – The influence of Lady Macbeth One extended paragraph – LOTS of DETAILS from the play Option #2: Page 425 – Speech – Persuade People to Join You & Attack Macbeth 3-5 Paragraphs – INTRO & CONCLUSION can be short…but again the “meat” needs to come from the play. Option #3: 60 Second Macbeth You go through the play. You select ONE QUOTE from EACH SCENE that captures the MAIN IDEA. And you write it down. You also speak it and make sure that it’s close to 1 minute/60 seconds. You tell the WHOLE STORY – WHOLE PLAY in one minute. Type it up and/or write it down.