SUM:UP Support for Undergraduate Maths at the University of Plymouth Callum Anderson
What is SUM:UP? Drop-in centre Open 10 – 4 Experienced tutors “If they can’t help, they’ll know someone who CAN!”
Date of Visit Day Time of Visit Duration of Visit Staff Student School Degree Course Year of Student Module Comments Positive Comment?
799 Total visits 611 Total visits
799 Total visits 611 Total visits
StaffFrequencyPercentageTime Students per hour Alan Wright332.43% Anil Sam % Bill McKee % Den McGowan % Golnaz Shahtahmassebi614.50% Jamie Stoneman % Nicola Iji815.97% Nicole Bloye805.90% Poonam Sharma946.93% Suki Honey483.54% TOTAL Average Time Per Student = 28.98
DayFrequencyPercentage Monday % Tuesday % Wednesday % Thursday % Friday % TOTAL1357 TimeFrequencyPercentage % % % TOTAL1357
PositionVisitsSchoolDegreeCourseYear of StudyModule 133Marine Science and EngineeringBEngMechanical Engineering1MATH Computing and MathematicsBScMathematics1 327Computing and MathematicsBScMathematics and Statistics2 426Marine Science and Engineering Civil and Costal Engineering1MATH Marine Science and EngineeringBEngMechanical Engineering1MATH Marine Science and EngineeringMEngCivil and Costal Engineering1MATH Marine Science and EngineeringMEngCivil and Costal Engineering1 819Computing and MathematicsBScMathematics1 919Computing and MathematicsBScMathematics1 1018Computing and MathematicsFoundationFoundation Pathways in Technology + Enginering0 1117Computing and MathematicsBScMathematics1 1217Computing and MathematicsBEngElectrical and Electronic Engineering1MATH Marine Science and EngineeringMEngCivil and Costal Engineering1 1416Marine Science and EngineeringBEngCivil and Costal Engineering2 1516Computing and MathematicsBScMathematics1 1614Marine Science and Engineering Civil Engineering2 1714Computing and MathematicsBScMathematics1 1814Computing and MathematicsBScMathematics with Education1 1914Marine Science and EngineeringBScMechanical Design and Manufacture3STAT Marine Science and EngineeringBEngCivil Engineering2 TOTAL390 Computer and Mathematics10 Marine Science and Engineering10 Foundation Year1 First Year14 Second Year4 Third Year1 Civil and Coastal Engineering5 Civil Engineering2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering1 Foundation1 Mathematics6 Mathematics and Statistics1 Mathematics with Education1 Mechanical Design and Manufacture1 Mechanical Engineering2
Percentage SchoolFrequencyTotalof Replies Architecture, Design and Environment %0.597% Biomedical and Biological Sciences %7.463% Computing and Mathematics %32.985% Early Years and Primary Education Studies40.295%0.299% Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences %7.463% Health Professions60.442%0.448% Law10.074%0.075% Management %0.821% Marine Science and Engineering %47.985% Nursing and Midwifery40.295%0.299% Psychology %0.746% Secondary & Further Education Studies80.590%0.597% Social Science and Social Work30.221%0.224% BLANK % TOTAL1357
Percentage YearFrequencyTotalof Replies %8.33% %49.69% %26.56% %13.94% %1.25% %0.16% Final10.07%0.08% BLANK735.38% TOTAL1357 Percentage Positive CommentFrequencyTotalof Replies Yes %98.39% Suggestion/Yes40.29%0.43% Comment110.81%1.18% BLANK % TOTAL1357
“SUM:UP is invaluable!” “I would fail without this help! Thanks :)” “Excellent. Nicole was unsure when I asked the questions originally. However she did get back to me with an excellent tutorial. Thanks for taking the time and going further than is expected to help” “Very, very helpful. Thank you!” “Despite not being familiar with the subject, really helpful and helped me gain better understanding of what was required.” “It was great. No longer confusing. Awesome!”