OnLine Ordering, Why You Should Get On The Band Wagon 2010 Dealer Conference
Market – Online Ordering
Market TXT/Mobile Ordering
Market... Prospects that offer carry out or delivery. (Existing client or New) Prospects looking for new ways to build business NEW: Any RM customer who is now using another Online Ordering service ! Any restaurant installed with Micros, Aloha, Digital, Aldelo, etc., etc., Go talk to them about putting in RM’s Stand-Alone OO… Get your FOOT in the Door…..
Opportunity To Maintain & Build Business For Your Clients Expanded customer reach, even par with chains. Open 24 Hours a day to take orders. Reach new customers, helps make existing customers order more frequently Customers like ordering WHEN they want, no wait or “hold please” Increase check average vs. phone-order by 20% or more.... Payment / mistake problems almost eliminated.
Disadvantages of Non-Integrated O.O. Staff time required to enter data into POS. (It’s real, and a REAL pain...) Delays increase when staff are busy Staff errors in data entry Reporting disparities with POS Update Delays Customer data not directly accessible to restaurant
Recurring Revenue It all adds up! –Credit Card Residuals –Monthly SUP Billings –Hardware Service Plans –Software Support Plans –Telephone Support Plans –OnLine Ordering Residuals
2 Docs to Submit.... S/W Order Form
Then What Happens? Build the OO portal Contact Customer Upload his menu “Seed” menu with photos and descriptions, Drop manuals on their desktop Contact the webmasterI Install favorites/bookmarks on their browser Make the required changes to Back Office Train the customer, and then turn them loose. To “play” with the system”.
You Can Now Relax.....
The Customer Then..... Sent an with links Additionally customers need to.....
Misconceptions OO is hard to implement for the dealer Don’t Offer Stand-Alone (no RM on site) OO doesn’t work with V.17 POS I need a dealer demo site in order to sell online ordering RM OO is “more expensive” than other online ordering options.
Misconceptions OnLine Ordering works all by itself
ASI’s Marketing Services... Marketing STARTER Kit $149 HTML s Two Per Month Management of List Customer has unlimited use of club
ASI’s Marketing Services... Templates In Progress
2009 OO Stats... Over 50 New OO Clients Added 37 Client Sites Activated & Launched 75 Client Sites Now “HOT” & Taking Orders Increase of Multi-Unit Customers....
Who’s Selling OO? 30 different dealers have at least one OO client 15 different dealers have more than one OO client 9 dealers have three or more OO accounts 9 of 10 top ten dealers have at least one OO client
Road Map 2010 OO
OO for v.17 Multiple Customer Phone # and Addresses Eliminated need for IIS on server minute increments options Configurable Text for Order Types
OO for v.17 Limitation to 40 characters of special instructions Web Coupons for OO, with codes & min Improvement of the Pizza Matrix display, less confusing
Other Improvements for v.17 OO Reminder for employee Coupons Codes specifically for OO Integration of OO with club, and the marketing services we offer. Design & Color Changes Configurable text for payments.
Even B4 OO for v Improved pizza ordering. (photos and scripts) Ability to choose the actual time an order is requested, and have the REQUESTED time print on the ticket Discounts for FIRST TIME OO users Live WEB links within the OO Portal Single Terminal option (we basically have now, but only if not using integrated CC) Variable delivery fees
OO For v.18 Full integration of Gift Card Full integration of Loyalty Full integration of AWARD Points for Redemption Add’l Credit Card Options for OO Multiple Delivery Fee Options
OO for v. 19 (or maybe sooner) Mobile Ordering Geo-Fencing for Delivery Areas Order Throttling based on: –Time of day –Day of week –Sales Volume –Prep time for item and item quantity
OO for v. 19 Group / Invitational Ordering Suggestive Selling Auto-Population of Pizza Combo with toppings Improved Customer Interface for Set-Up Enhanced & OO Reporting
$ 5,000 Month
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