2 Ready sections (I) 3 Ready sections (II) 4 Sections still in preparation  It would be also worth adding a brief section on possible strategies for.


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Presentation transcript:

2 Ready sections (I)

3 Ready sections (II)

4 Sections still in preparation  It would be also worth adding a brief section on possible strategies for the startup of the measurements In particular, how to stage the analysis in steps of increasing complexity Will see once all the main sections will be ready

5 Physics case  Introduction to the CP violation formalism to the main motivations of the measurements , U-spin, etc..  Brief review of the experimental status, including all the relevant results from the B-factories and CDF Time dependent asymmetries Direct CP charge asymmetries Branching fractions See also Eduardo’s talk later for another view  Will be later used for evaluating the impact of the LHCb measurements in this sector

6 Event selection  Offline and online (HLT2) selection See Angelo’s review talk later and Laurence’s for the baryonic decays

7 PID calibration   logL calibration for pions and kaons using the golden D*  D  decay chain Crucial work, now being extended to the proton sector with   p  decays

8 Modelization of the invariant mass line shape  Important in order to perform reliable fits of the B  hh mass spectrum Not a trivial task, due to FSR effects Need to properly take into account the bremstrahlung energy distribution  See specific talk later

9 Proper time resolution and acceptance  Parameterization of the acceptance as a function of the proper time and 3-Gaussian fixed resolution model See Laurence’s talk for further studies on the proper time model Not yet included in the road map document

10 Absolute lifetime measurements  Proof of principle of event-by-event acceptance function method and PID-based B s  K + K - HLT selection  For a relative lifetime study see Harry’s presentation later

11 Misalignment studies  Impact of misalignments on the VELO, IT and OT stations on the physics analysis Parametric study in some misalignment scenarios, ranging from no misalignment to disaster  Interesting study towards the understanding of systematics associated to potential tracking issues

12 Flavour tagging strategy and performance  This section hosts a discussion on the peculiar features of the B  hh decay modes concerning flavour tagging, outlining a possible strategy for a proper employment of the tagging algorithms and reporting measurements of the tagging performance on offline selected events  See specific talk later

13 CP sensitivity studies  In this section we write down the complete p.d.f. for time, mass, PID, tagging decision, tagging category, etc..  Then we perform maximum likelihood fits of the whole B  hh event sample, comprising B  3-body and combinatorial background Both fitting the p.d.f. to toy Monte Carlo samples and to the full Monte Carlo sample which passes the event selection The fit features about 60 free parameters at present The final fit will exceed 100 free parameters Although they seem a lot, consider that the CDF analysis features 38 parameters at present, but with mass only fits, i.e. no time dependency  Section towards completion Expected to be ready by the end of the next (LHCb) week

14 Simple snapshot of a CP fit on a toy Monte Carlo sample  Projection of the p.d.f. on the invariant mass Each color represents a different final state (CP-conjugates are light ↔ dark) Light and dark blue: B d  K  Red: B d   Yellow: B s  KKLight and dark green: B s   K Light and dark orange:  b  pKLight and dark magenta:  b  p  Dark gray: 3-body backgroundLight gray: combinatorial background

15 We are in late… but progressing fast Target is now to match mid of March with a document of good quality to be submitted to the Collaboration