Index Assumptions Features Technology App Structure Screenshots Future Enhancements References
Assumptions Location service and internet connection are available and enabled. The default search radius is 0.5 miles
Features Searched for restaurants close by. Allows user to select the search radius Shows restaurant details like type, address,price level, hours, rating and photos Abililty to call the restaurant Map the restaurant using google maps restaurant details Visit restaurant website
Technoloy Apache Cordova Angular Js Ionic Framework Google Places api Plugins: Composer, Apache cordova inAppBrowser
App Structure HTML Files in template folder in www Index.html: Staring point of the app. Includes references to cordova, google, ionic, etc. Designs the navigation bar of the app. Home.html : Home page of the app. Finds the location using HomeCtrl controller in controllers.js ShowRestaurants.html : Shows the list of restaurants within the chosen radius and allows user to search from the list and make a selection. Uses RestaurantListCtrl from controllers.js restaurantDetails.html: Shows info. of the chosen restaurant like address, price, rating, images, phone. User can map and visit the website within the app using the InAppBrowser plugin. Can using the Composer plugin. Code in RestaurantDetailCtrl in controllers.js aboutApp.html: Information about app and feedback mechanism.
App Structure JS Files in js folder of www controllers.js : HomeCtrl: Checks internet connection, location service and gets the current position of user. RestaurantListCtrl: Get restaurants using google places service api. RestaurantDetailCtrl: Displays details of the selected restaurant like : name, address, pricing, rating, phone, website. Also has features to and map the location Popup factory : Convenient display of Popups. path.js : Provides urls using $stateProvider. Composer.js : plugin for sending .
Future Enhancements Display distance of the restaurant from current location Ability to search restaurants by entering zipcode
References Google Api: Phoegap Geolocation: md.html Composer plugin: App icon maker: Splash Screen maker: