This is where the user can log on or can sing up to Froody
This is the basket. I intend on making it wider, for more “fruits” to fit
This is a sample of how “my” blog would look from the last time it was updated. Notice it’s brown because it show I’m ill. Notice the background is consistent with the colour and mood of my fruit, a pear!
This is where the user can update the blog, I’m forcing the user to give as corresponding mood to every blog they post, or else it wont post the on the blog live…
So if something is written, and the person clicks on “Post it”, watch what happens:
So this is how it looked before…
…and this is how it’d looked after my “happy” post!
The mood chart As I explained before, this is a chart that encourages froody blogger to blog and rate their emotions more and more. The “mood” (or “frood” in this case) readings would go to a small ban-end data base and this would compute the data in different ways For Example:
The mood chart Given that certain emotions have certain numerical values (aproximated) Froody could show a “mean” mood of the user up to date. It could show bars indicated how often they have rated every mood, or it could show a reading of moods that would look something like this:
“Frood” Chart
The mood chart Or it even could compate charts of “mood” with your fellow fruit-friends! Again, this is to encourage people to blog and rate their mood more, so in time, their mood readings are more accurate (from the simple statistical principle that rating the mean from 10 inputs is less accurate than computing 100 inputs!
This is “Froody” now Recall the main screen of Froody. (in the next slide again) This is the scree that the user sees ones he/she logs on:
This is “Froody” now “Joe” is grey (or transparent) because he hasn’t posted for a week. After a week, the fruit is thrown out of the basket and looses all colour. One can still click on it, but you know in this case “joe” has not posted for over a week, so why bother clicking on him? There’s nothing new…
This is “Froody” now So this is Froody up until now…without any changes since the last time we meet. So what is there left to do?
First: Inaccurate Posts Can Froody be cheated? (meaning, can someone write about how happy they are and rate the mood as “sad”? ABSOLUTELY. Until the (very desired) technology is deviced that could figure out the mood from a set of words being written in the post, I have to force the user to rate the mood. The Question is: why would someone do that, anyway? It wouldn’t make sense. Why would you try to deceive your friends in this way?
Solution This shouldn’t happen…BUT if it did, I plan on allowing any user to “penalize” the user who deceives by REPORTING the discrepancy to This way, the deceiving user could face suspension (temporal or permanent) from!
Second: “I don’t feel just ONE way” Post may have more than one feeling involved. Someone may feel for example very ill AND sad… Or maybe Happy AND In Love at the same time
Solution: I would, with time, educate users to get used to rate just one mood. This way, users would get used to write in a way that they just write about a particular mood and if there Is another mood involved, they would have to write a different post about that other different mood. But could there be something better?
Potential Solution: I could allow users to indeed post more than one emotion…all the corresponding graphs of their “fruit persona” would appear… But what about the colour?
Potential Solution Simple…it would MIX! So if someone was Happy (yellow) and in love (pink) would render a light orange that would be displayer only as the background colour in the blog page. What do you think? +=
Third: How do I know my friend has posted something new The logical solution to this would be that the user just know that his friend Michael (an Apple in Froody) was happy yesterday, but today has a dark blue colour (sad)…so this tells me he has changed his mood. But this puts a burden on the user: it’d make them have to remember every fruit friend’s last mood to see if it’s worth clicking on them to see if there is anything new going on…not very user friendly, right?
Solution In the “fruit basket”, the fruits that post new notes on their blogs would be represented by a glowing silhouette (either still or blinking) indicating that such particular “fruit friend” has actually written something new on his or her blog since YOU, the user, last visited your “fruit basket”. This “glow” would only show in the fruit basket of those who haven’t visited that blog to read the new post. If another person has visited this “banana” friend’s blog to read the new post, the glow on this last visitor would dissapear from the “banana” image of the user who visited it to read that last post from the “banana” friend.
Fourth: “I don’t feel like Blogging today” People always have moods…no mater what. But people may not want to “Blog” about it necessarily. And I’m not going to go behind every user trying to make them Blog every day! What do I do?
Solution I intend on allowing users to rate Just their mood if they want to: They don’t have to blog to rate their mood. So a user may rate that they feel indiferent or happy or in love, but not write anything about it. E.G. :When I hover over one of my fruit friends in my fruit basket, I can see a pop-up that says “happy since 09:35 am today” This would also enhance the “mood chart” with even more data to compute, for further accuracy of the mean mood of the user It would also cause curiosity for the other friends to click on the profile and at least post a comment about the mood alone.
Things yet to be done: Besides all the changes I’ve described so far, I will: Design the Sing up page where the user gets to pick their “fruit” persona. Change the look of the fruit basket and the different mood charts Re-arrange everything back to Powerpoint to give a more “website” look for the final presentation.
Any Suggestions? Any suggestions are welcomed at any point based on the questions raised throughout this presentation…just me or call me when you want! Thank You!