Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department Innovative ways of engaging with families to develop SLCN Integrated working in Derbyshire to impact on children at risk of language delay and their parents
Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department Proposed Derbyshire definition of early intervention and preventions We will identify children and young people who require additional resource and deliver effective intervention at the earliest opportunity
Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department The two Graham Allan reports on positive outcomes and cost savings in early intervention and prevention. Grasping the Nettle-review of key target areas that make the difference The Kennedy Report on the distribution of health investment into children The Marmot Report - Healthy Lives, Fair Society –the key public health target areas The Wave Report analysis of violence escalation in Britain and reduction strategies The Frank Field report into the Prevention of Child Poverty The Foundation Years documents – support to families of pre-school children The Tickell review of the Early Years Foundation curriculum Recent Key Documents from research organisations and government
Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department No Wrong Door Interagency and Interdisciplinary working a key concept
Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department Links to the Five golden threads C4EO report: Grasping the nettle: Early intervention for Children, Families and Communities 2010
1. The Best Start in life: progressively move resources to Early Years to support crucial developmental windows 2. Language for life: Invest in developing speech, language and communication skills to reduce the likelihood of a young person or adult entering mental health and criminal justice systems
3. Engaging parents: Ensure the causes of poor childhood experiences are addressed i.e engage parents in services and most particularly hard to reach parents and those in adverse circumstances 4. Knowledge is power: Understand what works. Different issues at different levels of severity require different interventions
5. Smarter working, better services: Work together across agencies, disciplines and institutional divisions
What does ECAT aim to do? Raise childrens achievement in early language BY Develop practitioners skills and knowledge SO THEY CAN Increase parental understanding and involvement in childrens language development
Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department ECAT in Derbyshire so far Developing a shared vision across agencies Early Language Consultant (ELC) 45+ schools/settings and Childrens Centres in 3 cohorts so far and a two year roll out to 240 more schools and settings over the next two years Early Language Lead Practitioners (ELLP) in Childrens Centres as well as schools and settings Links to Health to support early identification of need using Health Visitors
Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department Sharing the ECAT message In a variety of forums: briefings for leaders in schools and settings EYFS network events for practitioners meetings between the Early Language consultant and health visitors/Speech and language therapy team and Childrens Centres Conferences and workshops School and setting meetings with EY officers and advisers
Early Language Lead Practitioners in Childrens Centres Improving the quality of language provision Supporting the professional development of colleagues Involving parents in the programme (more about this later)
ELKLAN Adult –child interaction non verbal communication Supporting children who stammer Developing play, listening and attention What is communication? Development of vocabulary Information carrying words Development of social skills Understanding and use of sentences Supporting children with unclear speech and exploring the speech reading link
Child monitoring tool – a universal offer Early identification of children at risk of delay: Listening and attention Understanding Talking Social communication Challenging professionals expectations of children in deprived communities with age related norms
Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department Early Intervention Disc 4 fundamental language areas Working with parents EAL Further information
Helping Parents to value and develop talk
Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department So, does ECAT work? Increasing practitioner confidence ? Reducing risk of delay ? Supporting parents?
Practitioner Confidence - July 2010 and March = Very Confident. 2 = Confident 3 = A Little Unsure 4 = Not at all Confident JULY 2010
Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department The Child Monitoring Tool % at risk of delay ECaT 1 Attention and Listening: June 10: 22% March 11: 11% Understanding of Language: June 10: 25% March 11: 17% Talking/Expressive Language: June 10: 34% March 11: 22% Social Communication: June 10: 36% March 11 19%
Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department ECaT 2 The Child Monitoring Tool % at risk of delay Attention and listening: Oct 11 21% Jan 12 15% Understanding: Oct 11 26% Jan 12 21% Expression: Oct 11 36% Jan 12 26% Social Communication: Oct 11 38% Jan 12 30%
Innovative Derbyshire practice recognised in the Tickell Review of EYFS The outcome of this work was that children with SLCN or at risk of SLCN were being identified earlier and would be having intervention at an earlier stage. (page 83) …an excellent example of local leadership at its best. p24 Dame Clare
Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department The Family Reading Strategy Local research found parents want to support their childrens reading but many need more information about HOW Some parents worry that if they try they will mess things up – so they dont Some wanted professionals to do all the learning – so they are waiting Some wanted information about what they could be doing to come from within their own community – because thats who they trust.
Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department Reading works: pass it on. Someone to model fun with stories and books A reading buddy - why communication matters Reading champions Thriving baby brains – whats on near me Packs of try this at home ideas Whole community on message by tweaking delivery
Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department ECAT in Childrens Centres in Erewash
Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department Why is this approach to integrated working being effective in Derbyshire? We have a shared passion driven by a group with strategic leadership power We understand that it is by supporting and training our practitioners that they can help parents more effectively We take national agendas and use them as levers by tailoring them to local needs (ECAT, Hello! Campaign) We are supported by our politicians and Senior DCC staff – prioritisation and funding We have developed a simple common language that all can understand
Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department Why is this approach to integrated working being effective in Derbyshire? Our shared vision is communicated widely There is mutual respect between teams of professionals and we make the best of team skills – a lack of preciousness We recognise that things (including relationships) take time to evolve and embed We use a variety of complementary strategies, including consistent processes and procedures across the County
Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department What next? Two year intensive roll out of ECAT programme across Derbyshire to 240 most deprived schools and settings Roll out to all Childrens Centres Developing stronger links between Childrens Centres and Health across the whole county to promote early identification of SLC delay so families can be supported by Childrens Centre workers Promotion of use of Child Monitoring Tool and Early Intervention Disc with all schools and settings Working out the strategy for children beyond Early Years