Standard Photon ID performance in GMSB susy samples Helen Hayward University of Liverpool.


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Presentation transcript:

Standard Photon ID performance in GMSB susy samples Helen Hayward University of Liverpool

Samples used Data samples: –GMSB1: shortlived neutralino-> standard pointing photons –GMSB2: Cgrav30 (non-pointing photons) –GMSB3: Cgrav55(non-pointing photons) –Background: JF17 is used. An eta cut of 2, pt cut of 20 GeV has been applied Using truth information to make sure I am only looking at photons whose parent is a susy particle.

Photon selection cuts. Corrected width in 3 strips Fraction of energy in strips Energy in strips outside core Corrected width in 3x5 cells in middle Total width using 40 strips

Photon efficiencies (cuts applied sequentially) GMSB1GMSB2GMSB3 isEM&0x2 (hadronic leakage) 0.92 isEM&0x4 (2nd sampling) isEM&0x8(1st sampling)