PBIS Meeting for BCPS Team Leaders and Coaches March 14, 2008 Oregon Ridge.


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Presentation transcript:

PBIS Meeting for BCPS Team Leaders and Coaches March 14, 2008 Oregon Ridge

Welcome and Introductions

Maryland PBIS Partnership and Collaboration

Three-Tiered Model for Prevention and Intervention: Behavior Supports Academics Academic SystemsBehavioral Systems 1-5% 5-10% 80-90% Tier 3: Intensive Interventions Small groups/individual students Reduce complexity and severity of academic problems Tier 3: Intensive Interventions Small groups/individual students Reduce complexity and severity of behavior problems Tier 2: Targeted Interventions Groups of students/at risk Reduce academic problems Tier 2: Targeted Interventions Groups of students/at risk Reduce behavior problems Tier 1: Universal Interventions All settings, all students Prevent academic problems Tier 1: Universal Interventions All settings, all students Prevent behavior problems

SYSTEMS PRACTICES DATA Supporting Staff Behavior Supporting Decision Making Supporting Student Behavior Process for Supporting Social Competence and Academic Achievement OUTCOMES School-wide Classroom Non-classroom Individual Define behavior expectations Specify routines Teach Acknowledge Correct Follow up and feedback Reinforcement Generalization Office Discipline Referrals Staff Input Academic Progress Attendance

Overview of PBIS Data for BCPS Schools

Baltimore County Schools Trained in PBIS 72 Schools have been trained; currently 70 Schools are actively participating as PBIS schools

Percentage of Baltimore County PBIS Schools and Length of Time Implementing PBIS 1 st Year 13% 2 nd Year 21% 3 rd Year 23% 4 th Year 6% 5 th Year 13% 6 th Year 16% 7 th+ Year 8%

Congratulations! All data was submitted on time for all BCPS schools!!!!

PBIS Supports Academic Achievement: PBIS Schools and Results of the Maryland School Assessments (MSA) Elementary School Middle School

Summary of MSA Results from for PBIS Schools ReadingMath 3 rd Grade44 % Increase (32% for all BCPS Schools) (30% for non-PBIS Schools) 36 % Increase (23% for all BCPS Schools) (22% for non-PBIS Schools) 5 th Grade21 % Increase (13% for all BCPS Schools) (11.5% for non-PBIS Schools) 62 % Increase (52% for all BCPS Schools) (50% for non-PBIS Schools) 8 th Grade14 % Increase (11% for all BCPS Schools) (10.3% for non-PBIS Schools) 53 % Increase (35% for all BCPS Schools) (33.3% for all non-PBIS Schools)

Percent Change in MSA Scores from for PBIS Schools vs. all BCPS Schools

How Does Behavior Support Academics? Improved behavior decreases office referrals and suspensions and increases instructional minutes Improved behavior makes instructional minutes more effective Improved behavior creates a climate that is calm and conducive to learning

Spring Activities Implementation Phases Inventory (IPI) –Due by April 10 School-wide Evaluation Tool (SET) –Scheduled in the spring Benchmarks of Quality (BOQ) –Due by May 15 Staff Survey –Completed online by school staff Prepare for Summer Institute

Implementation Phases Inventory (IPI) Features of PBIS are listed, defined, and scored to obtain scores in the following categories: –Preparation Phase (10 items) –Initiation Phase (15 items) –Implementation Phase (12 items) –Maintenance Phase ( 7 items) Percentage of the 36 Critical Elements is also calculated

Implementation Phases Inventory (IPI) Procedures Obtain via your fall version of the IPI Record spring scores on the same form Preferably work with your team to complete Otherwise team leader and coach should collaborate Send completed IPI to Joey and Jerry Bloom Review the results of fall and spring scores as well as the graphed results with your PBIS team

Implementation Phases Inventory (IPI) Sample School

Percentage of Baltimore County PBIS Schools and their Implementation Phases

Implementation Phases Inventory— Percentage of Schools in each Phase by Elementary, Middle, and High Fall 2007

School-Wide Evaluation Tool (SET) Research quality tool for assessing Universal/School-wide PBIS External person spends 2 hours at school reviewing documents, interviewing staff, and interviewing students PBIS is “in place” with a score of at least 80% total Measures 7 critical features of PBIS

Seven Critical Features of SET Seven critical features of PBIS listed, defined, and scored within SET: –Behavioral Expectations Defined –Behavioral Expectations Taught –On-Going System for Rewarding Behavioral Expectations –System for Responding to Behavioral Violations –Monitoring and Decision-Making –Management –District-Level Support

School-Wide Evaluation Tool (SET) Interview with Administrator Interviews with Staff Interviews with Students Observations of the Building Review of Materials –PBIS Action Plan and School Improvement Plan –Lesson plans for PBIS expectations –Copy of office discipline referral form –Documented systems for rewarding students and dealing with behavioral violations

Benchmarks of Quality (BOQ) BOQ reflects the team members’ perceptions as well as an objective measure based on standardized criteria Each team member completes the BOQ Using the tally sheet the team determines the response most frequently given These responses are compared with the score obtained by the coach using a rubric for scoring The team evaluates the school’s strengths and weaknesses to prepare for action planning

Benchmarks of Quality (BOQ) Measures: PBIS Team Faculty Commitment Effective Procedures for Dealing with Discipline Data Entry & Analysis Plan Established Expectations & Rules Developed Reward/Recognition Program Established Lesson Plans for Teaching Expectations/Rules Implementation Plan Crisis Plan Evaluation

Benchmarks of Quality (BOQ) Due Date by May 15 Coaches submit BOQ to Joey Parr electronically

Staff Survey Each school is encouraged to conduct the staff survey annually in the spring Online version or paper version Every school has an access code Directions will be provided Consider how to monitor participation and compliance Online version allows schools to compare multiple year reports

Staff Survey Due Date by end of school year Use information when developing your PBIS Action Plan

PBIS Summer Institute BCPS will sponsor a PBIS Summer Institute for returning teams on July 16 and July 17 at SEPH One of these days will be for elementary schools and one of the days will be for secondary schools Schools are encouraged to schedule additional planning time in their schools during the summer to develop annual action plans

PBIS Summer Institute Volunteers for speakers????

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports in Baltimore County Schools