Collaborative Project for Folktale Partners: Tools and Strategies Jeanne Munoz Instructional Technology Specialist: The Magellan Charter School Educational Consultant Twitter:jeannemunoz
Introduction How many are instructional technology facilitators or other IT staff? How many are media center coordinators or media center staff? How many are working with: High schools? Middle schools? Elementary schools? Others?
If you have any of these responsibilities… Locating resources for teachers and students Print Online Technology tools Co-planning lessons with teachers Co-teaching lessons with teachers Teaching information and technology skills Integrating global connections Then this presentation is for you.
Goals Explore three tools that can be used to organize resources and online classrooms for global projects and collaborations. Edmodo, Jog the Web, Live Binders Directions and tips for using these Other resources for completing projects Examine a global lesson integrating information and technology skills Sample lesson plan and associated documents Other resources for locating online projects and partners Share ideas through back channel at
One more item on the plate… This project demonstrates how a global lesson can include many of the Professional Teaching Standards and 21 st century skills. Embraces diversity (Standard II) Aligned with SCOS or Core Essentials (Standard III) Recognizes interconnectedness (Standard III) Instruction appropriate for students (Standard IV) Engaging Relevant Differentiated Variety of instructional methods Integrates technology Encourages critical thinking and problem solving Opportunities to work in teams and develop leadership skills Variety of assessment pieces and methods
Getting Started All materials for this session: Look over the lesson plan Essential question: How do folktales reflect the similarities and differences of our countries’ values, history, or culture?
Welcome to Edmodo Also directions on the wiki : Using Edmodo.pdf and sample student permission letter Create a teacher account or login. Tour your home page. Settings Posting bubble Spotlight Timeline Calendar Grades Library Groups
Edmodo Project Group Join the project group. Use code ptj8ww. Look at the timeline. Welcome message Assignment 1 Complete the assignment. Submit. Browse the project Glog. Learn to create an assignment. Answer the poll.
Time to Explore Create your own group. Write a post. Create an assignment. Create a poll. How might you use this tool to promote global awareness? Other ways?
Researching the Folktales In small groups, students will read, record, and discuss several American folktales. From the Project Glog, click the attachments and open the Folktales Around the World Summary form.Glog Click the link to the Jog and browse through the steps. How would Jog the Web be helpful to students and teachers?
Time to Jog Go to the home page. In the upper right, click Register and sign up for an account. Use an account that you can access for verification. Login, then find Create a new Jog. Complete Title, Description, and Category. Add a page that you know: give it a title and paste the URL. Add a question or comment for your joggers. Preview your Jog. When you exit, your Jog is saved. Click Share to get the link or code. Directions are on the wiki : Using Jog the
Retelling Time: Live Binders Students prepare using the directions in the Folktale Retelling Guide.pdf attached to the Glog.Glog Another reference that can be used is Live Binders. From the wiki, click the binder called Tools for Click Present to view full screen. Click the VoiceThread tab and browse the information for the project. Browse the other tabs. How might you use Live Binders with your students? Teachers?
Creating a Live Binder At upper right, sign up or login. Select Create a Binder tab. Add a name and description. Create New Binder. Click Tab 1 and enter a name for a webpage. Enter a URL. Add another tab and add another object: text, video, image, file. Exit.
Assessment Students will self-assess on a project rubric. What a two ways that we have explored for distributing the rubric to the students? What are the benefits of each? Students will write a reflective answer to the essential question. What would be the best way to submit this using the tools we previewed today? If we wanted to share some of the student VoiceThread projects, how might we do that using these tools?