Dr. Greg Kniseley, Professor Rhode Island College Department of Elementary Education
1. High level of verbal communication and interpersonal skills demonstrated during interviews 1. High level of written communication demonstrated in application material 1. Unique skills, knowledge and experience
An organized container of evidence with critical reflection that demonstrates knowledge, skills, and dispositions in relation to expectations of employer or other professional standards.
Professional in appearance Message to interviewers – “Applicant uses technology.” Able to use multi-media (brief video clips, PowerPoint presentation, scanned work samples) Easy to reproduce and deliver – CDs and urls But a printed portfolio can be practical for interviews.
Before the interview -To organize your thinking and evidence. During the interview -To present evidence, examples, and illustrations from (printed portfolio). -This requires PRACTICE. After the interview - To provide each interviewer with your digital portfolio CD in an envelope.
Table of contents (indicates organization) Evidence (indicates knowledge/skills/dispositions) Reflective paragraphs introducing each section (indicates critical reflection)
HOME - STATEMENT OF PURPOSE ◦ Personal Reflection on Teaching and Learning ◦ Unit Planning ◦ Lesson Planning ◦ Action – Interactive Functions of Teaching ◦ Reflection on Implemented Lessons ◦ Partnering with Families ◦ References
1. Monitor one’s progress of learning. 2. Relate standards, theory and research on effective teaching to the practice of teaching. 3. Problem solve-analyze situations thoroughly and generate effective strategies. 4. Set goals for future learning.
Indicates a candidate’s disposition of critical reflection. You can explain... Why the item was selected - Significance What you learned or achieved Your goals for future learning Relate thinking to professional teaching standards, theory/research about how children learn and effective teaching.
Improve your digital media development skills. Reduce size (resolution) of images. Save as PDF. View completed portfolio on Windows and MAC computers. Edit video clips of teaching. Two – three minutes Include reflective commentary