OVERVIEW Program Objectives Feedback Procedures First Sergeant’s Role
MP 1: Program Objectives Explain duty performance requirements and responsibilities, establish expectations, and set goals Provide periodic, constructive performance feedback to enlisted members
MP 1: Program Objectives Areas to discuss during feedback Performance Evaluation of training provided Expectations Short/long term military goals Career Development AFSC progression plan/promotion opportunities
MP 2: Feedback Procedures Formal Feedback Completed on an annual basis as a minimum/rater determines schedule Rater/ratee may request feedback session at any time Rater should be lowest level supervisor
Self-Evaluation Worksheet (AF Form 931 or 932) will be given to ratee on UTA prior to feedback session Ratee is tasked to evaluate themselves prior to scheduled feedback session Rater reviews ratee comments and provides their evaluation MP 2: Feedback Procedures
Maintenance for Feedback Worksheets Rater maintains original in personnel file Member is given a copy Worksheet is maintained until next feedback session is held Use of Feedback Worksheet Chain of command reviews for decisions of AFSC upgrading and Military promotions MP 2: Feedback Procedures
MP 3: First Sergeant’s Role Monitor compliance of the program for the commander Example: Excel Spreadsheet Speak to your Airmen about PFW’s requirements: Newcomers briefing Initial Interview Commanders Call Roll Call
SUMMARY Program Objective Feedback Procedures First Sergeant’s Role