Qua lity Special Education Programs in the School Turnaround Context: Focused Programmatic Improvements Lauren Morando Rhim September 16, 2015
Session Overview Presentation (45 minutes) Special education in turnaround context Case studies of focused special education improvement efforts embedded in broader turnaround efforts Los Angeles, CA Dorchester, MA Lawrence, MA Draft special education improvement tool Question and Answers (15 minutes) Participant think and explore time (30 minutes)
Why are we talking about special education?
Special Education in School Turnaround
Correlation, causation, or proxy?
Exploratory-Case Studies
Research Investigation Question
Case Study Sample Selection The selection criteria included: School has embarked upon an explicit turnaround effort (e.g., received a SIG grant or initiated an explicit state- or district driven turnaround effort) and demonstrates clear indication of positive growth for all students on state assessments School has significant population of students with disabilities (i.e., 15% of more) School has explicit and focused plan to examine and improve special education and related services
Case Study Sites
Preliminary Takeaways: Transition Review every single IEP to ensure compliance and quality (i.e., bring reviews up to date) Analyze sub-group performance trends Advocate for greater autonomy from districts special education administrative structure Develop special education corrective action plan
Preliminary Takeaways: Staffing Hire more special education staff Hire strong special education administrators and staff Revisit staffing allocation Special education administrator spends time on the ground in schools Hired onsite School Psychologist Provide professional development for general and special education teachers
Preliminary Takeaways: Development of IEPs and Student Placements Move students from largely segregated to inclusive settings with appropriate supports Engage and communicate with parents in a substantive way about special education services Develop school schedules that foster general and special teacher collaboration All teachers own student IEPs, not just special educators Maintain IEP’s online to foster accessibility for relevant staff Advocate for students when differences regarding placement arise Engage district personnel regarding complex cases and more separate placements
Preliminary Takeaways: Curriculum and Instruction Implement and sustain high quality curriculum and instruction Implement robust Response To Intervention (RTI) process
Preliminary Takeaways: Leadership Commit to monitoring quality of special education services using data Facilitate school culture that accepts students with disabilities in inclusive school Introduce new special education governance/administrative structure that prioritizes optimal access to quality general education curriculum Have regular meetings with central office personnel (if relevant)
Special Education Improvement Tool
Special Education Improvement Tool: Objective SCHOOL TURNAROUND SPECIAL EDUCATION PROGRAM QUALITY ASSESSMENT The Center for School Turnaround (CST) developed the School Turnaround Special Education Program Quality Assessment for school district superintendents and charter school authorizers to assist them in leading conversations and assessing special education program quality as components of a broader focused school turnaround effort.
Special Education Improvement Tool: Process
Special Education Improvement Tool: Substance Program quality and improvement planning includes three components: Overview of Essential Features of Program Quality District/School Program Quality Inventory District/School Program Quality Improvement Plan
Special Education Improvement Tool: Essential Features
Essential Features
Questions and Answers?
Participant Think and Explore
Follow-up Questions? Lauren Morando Rhim, Executive Director and Co- Founder, National Center for Special Education in Charter Schools and Strategic Partner, Center for School Turnaround