Chapter 18 Ethical Precautions in Music Therapy Research
Research Ethics Ethics influence all aspects of inquiry: Subject recruitment Subject selection Treatment interventions Study implementation Research designs Measurement tools Data analysis Research reporting
Music Therapy Codes AMTA: Code of Ethics, 2003 Certification Board for Music Therapists: Code of Professional Practice, 2001
Ethical Principles 1.Respect for persons – respect for autonomy and protection for those with compromised autonomy (informed consent, privacy, confidentiality) 2.Beneficience – maximize benefits and minimize harm to subjects (risk/benefit analysis) 3.Justice – fairness in distribution of benefits and burdens (review of subject selection)
Institutional Review Board (IRB) Committee established to protect human research subjects Domain over studies conducted under auspices of its institution (hospital, university, etc.) Authority to approve, disapprove, or require alterations in research protocol Monitors research at regular intervals
Informed Consent 1.Capacity of the individual to understand the information presented about the study 2.Freedom of the individual to decide whether or not to engage in the study 3.Completeness of the information provided to the individual
Capacity Age Cognitive Functioning Physical Functioning Emotional Functioning Legally authorized representatives (guardians) can consent for a compromised individual
Assent Insuring Comprehension Information presented to subject in simple language (verbal or written) Often paired with consent when person is compromised Usually need both consent and assent when assent is used
Voluntariness Subject decides on basis of free will Needs time to decide Freedom to withdraw from study at any time (without prejudice) Influential Factors: capacity to understand, age, intimidation, authority of researcher, fear of incrimination or retaliation, dual relationships, etc.
11 Necessary Components Full Disclosure 1.Heading with title, names, and contact info 2.Invitation to participate 3.Purpose of the study 4.Description of procedures 5.Associated risks and discomforts of study 6.Associated benefits of study 7.Available alternative procedures 8.Assurance of confidentiality (privacy) 9.Contact information for researcher, IRB representative and contact for injury 10.Voluntariness statement and right to withdraw 11.Closing statement and signatures
Consent Written consent may be waived: when signing the contract will breach confidentiality when the research is low risk (survey)
Deception Researcher deliberately withholds information relevant to the study Actively – misinforms Passively – omits Can result in embarrassment, harm, anxiety, etc. Subjects can be informed that deception may be used (placebo)