Friday, October 2, 2015
K-6 Newcomers Program University Park (Kindergarten through Grade 6) Culverdale (Kindergarten through Grade 6) College Park (Kindergarten through Grade 6) Structured English Immersion Mainstream Classes with appropriate support Placement of Students
Grades 7-8 Newcomer’s Program Rancho Middle School: ELD, SDAIE/Sheltered Content, Mainstream Venado Middle School: ELD, SDAIE/Sheltered Content, Mainstream Placement of Students
Grades 9 – 12 University High School: ELD, Sheltered/SDAIE Content, Mainstream Irvine High School: ELD, Sheltered/SDAIE Content, Mainstream Placement of Students
Multiple Measures that include but are not limited to: Annual CELDT State and Local Assessment based on the Common Core State Standards in math and English Language Arts Student Performance Tasks in the classroom Teacher Evaluation Parent Consultation Reclassification Process
Immunization must be up-to-date Emergency Card must be filled out accurately Medication Please keep this information current. Report any change of address or phone number. Add your cell number and have a local emergency contact person. Important Reminders:
Attendance: Call the school or write a note if absent On Vacation? Plan your vacation during school breaks if you can School Schedules, Classes, Rules
Safety Issues: Drop-off and Pick-up : know and follow the rules Sign-in, sign-out: If you drop your student late or pick them up early Supervision: Only available 15 minutes before school Drive safely through the parking lot School Schedules, Classes and Rules
Contacting the teacher: Call ahead before showing up You can make an appointment, send written notes, or send an . School Schedules, Classes, and Rules
Discipline: Positive Behavior Intervention Support Academic Honesty is important! Students must follow the standards of behavior Warnings, detention, suspension, expulsion Parents are notified of the above steps Zero Tolerance for Weapons and Drugs School Schedules, Classes, and Rules
Educational programs Art Music PE Computer Lab Library Science Specialists for grades 4-6 School Schedules, Classes, and Rules
Nurses will screen for Hearing and Vision Parent responsibility to follow up for a referral First Aid: an updated Emergency card is important School Schedules, Classes, and Rules
Medication: Students may NOT hold or take medicine of any kind at school. All medicines, prescription or Over-The-Counter MUST be held in the office. Will be given to the student ONLY with parent and doctor written advance notice. Forms for this are at each school School Schedules, Classes, and Rules
Grades 7-12: Counselors are available to help with class placement and personal problems. Grade 6 th Outdoor Education Programs: Ask your school about the details. School Schedules, Classes, and Rules
Timely Topics for Parents Community Based Educational Training (C-BET Classes) Irvine City Community Service Brochure Irvine Resources
Community Based Educational Training (C-BET Classes)
Timely Topics
Back to School Night Parent/Teacher Conferences Schedule Fall and Spring (as needed) Please attend and be on time. Both parents should attend Prepare to ask questions and offer information Open House Parental Involvement and Support
Bulletins, notices, notes and newsletters Please read them. If you need help with translation, please call the Language Minority Program (949) for a list of available translators. PTA, PTO, ETC: Parent Volunteers Fund Raising Information about School Support for Programs School to Home Communications
English Language Advisory Committee District English Language Advisory Committee Both committees are made of parents of English Language Learners. They serve as advisers to the school. This is a great way to get involved at the school. ELAC and DELAC
English Language Advisory Committee Takes place at the school site ELAC
Alyssa Honeycutt, Coordinator, Data and Assessment, Irvine Unified School District CAASPP
Thank you so much for attending. Timely Topics