How long do I keep applicant files? How long do I keep resident files? What do I need to keep in my files? What does GME keep in permanent files?
Applications received – 2 years Keep readily available for 1 year May archive after that and destroy after 1 more years Invited for an interview? – 2 years Same as above Residents training or completed training – FOREVER Academic problems or did not complete – FOREVER Filed a grievance... Keep file FOREVER File should include a note summarizing outcome of grievance Grievance hearing packet documents destroy after 7 years Keep grievance documents separate from permanent file
GME Housestaff Information Form Contract for each year Primary source verifications of training/employment ECFMG certificates DS-2019 documents Final summative evaluation Copies of medical licenses and ACLS/PALS cards Moonlighting approval forms Offsite training agreements Printout of Evalue resident record Checkout form PROGRAM Application to the program Letters of recommendation Documentation of medical school graduation (Evalue) ECFMG certificate (Evalue) Transfer letters ALL EVALUATIONS Record of rotations Records of disciplinary actions NOTE: All correspondence between program and resident should be kept in file. All private correspondence or correspondence between program and legal counsel should be kept in a separate file.
Copies of Social Security cards Copies of driver’s licenses/passports Direct deposit forms/payroll related forms Benefits forms Loan deferment forms Immunization records Anything GME Office keeps (duplicates)
Storage of files can be... Scan files Save in a secure place Supported by UU IT Backup Must be readily available Can be a combination of electronic and paper Cannot archive paper files with University Archives
IN UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL 1. Call the University Employee Clinic – They will instruct you. 2.If Employee Clinic is closed, go to the Emergency Room for treatment. Notify the Employee clinic the following day. They will provide all subsequent follow-up and treatment/testing. 3. Notify your supervisor 4. Be sure to notify Employee Clinic OR Emergency Room that it is a work related injury/exposure! IN AN AFFILIATED HOSPITAL/LOCATION 1.Follow the same procedure. 2.Go to Affiliated Hospital Emergency Room if University Employee Clinic is closed. Be SURE to advise it is a work related injury. 3.Call the University Employee Clinic the following day. 4.Follow other steps as outlined.