Mauritian experience in participating in the Washington Group Workshop
Country profile The population of the Republic of Mauritius was around 1.2 million people in 2005 The per capita GNP is around $5,000
Sources of disability statistics Population Census Beneficiaries of disability pensions compiled by the Ministry of Social Security
Question of disability in census Does the person experience any disability (i.e. any limitation to perform a daily life activity in a manner considered normal for a person of his/her age), because of a long term physical/mental condition or health problem? Write yes or no
If yes, insert as many disabilities as applicable as follows: SPCH –speaking and talking disabilities EAR – hearing and listening disabilities even with hearing aid EYE – seeing disabilities even with glasses MTION – walking, running and other ambulation disabilities MANU – manual activity disability such as fingering, gripping and holding LEARN – disturbance of ability to learn and acquire education
BEH – disturbance of behaviour, including antisocial behaviour, maladjustment and liability to self injury CARE – inability to look after oneself with regard to personal care and hygiene, feeding etc. OTHER – other disabilities (specify)
Disability data from beneficiaries of invalid pensions
Eligibility criteria The basic invalid’s pension is payable to any person aged from years if certified by a medical board that the person is either permanently or substantially incapacitated to work to a degree of 60% or more for at least 12 months Once the period covered by the medical certificate expires, application has to be made afresh
Eligibility criteria Persons attaining age 60 shift to the basic retirement pension but receives an additional sum if they are either Totally blind Suffer from total paralysis Need the constant care of another person (Enhanced Basic Retirement pension)
Country experience in participating in Washington Group workshop Opportunity to know more about activities of the Washington Group in the field of disability statistics To know more about new development proposed by the Washington group in terms of the phrasing of questions on disability Briefed on the different steps involved in the proposed field testing
Introduced to the cognitive testing which was unknown to us Opportunity to know about the experience of other countries in terms of activities related to disability statistics Country experience in participating in Washington Group workshop
The conduct of field test Were proposed to conduct field testing Only cognitive testing will be conducted A sample of 24 respondents will be interviewed – financial constraints Propose to use the questionnaire provided in the workshop held in Kenya in June 2005
Procedures Timing of survey will be around October/November 2005 Sampling frame – List of people with disabilities to be obtained from the Ministry of Social Security The procedures for the preparation not yet started – will soon start after this workshop
Expectations from this workshop Hoping to receive additional materials and know–how in order to conduct the cognitive testing more efficiently Not sure on the extent of our involvement in the analysis of the survey data
Thank You for your attention