The Kennedy Administration “The Camelot Years”
1960 Election Closest outcome since 1884 JFK beats Nixon by less than 119,000 votes
A New White House Smooth style, but “lacked substance” Jackie Kennedy – captivated nation Papers, Magazines obsessed with first family Reminded many of modern day Camelot
Best & Brightest Surrounded himself with team of advisers –Relied most heavily on brother Robert (Attorney General) –Dean Rusk – Secretary of State –Robert McNamara – Sec. of Defense
The New Frontier Promise of progress “We stand today on the edge of a new frontier” Had trouble gathering votes –Medical care for aged –Rebuild urban areas –Education aid Lacked “popular mandate” –Clear indication that voters approved his plans
Stimulating the Economy 1960: America in recession –Unemployment at 6% “lagging behind Western democracies and USSR” Pushed for deficit spending (Keynes) –Increase government spending –Lower taxes Increased minimum wage: $1.25/hour Extended unemployment insurance Assistance to cities with high unemployment
Addressing Poverty Created Peace Corps –Volunteer assistance to developing nations –Many volunteers just out of college –Huge success despite critics Alliance for Progress –Technical assistance to Latin America
Race to the Moon US was challenged after USSR sends man into space NASA –Launch facilities & mission control center –$9 billion for space exploration First payoff: 2/1962 – John Glenn orbits Earth
Addressing Domestic Problems The Other America –Profiled problem of poverty –50 million people in America: less than $1,000/yr 1963: JFK calls for “national assualt on causes of poverty Ordered investigation on racial injustices in South Pushed for Civil Rights bill